Volume 5 - Issue 10

IJERD : Volume 5 - Issue 10

C.V. Subba Reddy, C. Eswara Reddy, K. Hemachandra Reddy

Effect of Tangential Grooves on Piston Crown Of D.I. Diesel Engine with Retarded Injection Timing
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Direct injection diesel engines are in service for both heavy duty vehicles, light duty vehicles not only in the fields of agriculture and transport sectors, but also stationary engines consume maximum percentage of petroleum based fuels and have the evident benefit of a higher thermal efficiency than all other engines. However, the D. I. Diesel engine emits significant amount of pollutants such as CO, UHC, NOx, smoke etc, which are harmful to the environment. In the present experimental attempt is made to study the influence of injection timing on the performance, emission characteristics of a single cylinder, direct injection diesel engine (base line engine) and tangential grooved piston engine (TGPE) has been experimentally investigated. The tests are performed at three fuel injection timings of 230,200 and 170 before TDC. When compared with the standard injection timing of 230, the retarded injection timing from 230 to 170 decreases the emissions of oxides of nitrogen, carbon monoxide and increases thermal efficiency under all test conditions. From the experimental investigations, it is concluded that the base line engine with tangential grooves on piston (TGPE) with retardation injection timing gives better performance in all aspects and reduces emissions.
D.I. Diesel Engine, TGPE, Standard injection timing, Retarded injection timing, Emissions.
[1]. Myers P.S. and Uyehava O.A., "Efficiency, Heat transfer and preignition in I.C.engines, SAE 660130, Vol 75".
[2]. Yufing Li,et.al., "Effects of combinations and orientation of intake ports on swirl motion in DI diesel engine" SAE paper 2000-01-1823,2000.
[3]. Aikidas A.C et.al., "The effects of intake flow configuration on heat release and heat transfer characteristics of a single cylinder four valve S.I Engine" SAE paper 9102996 [1991].
[4]. Timoney, David J et.al., " Influence of fuel injection and air motion energy sources on fuel air mixing rates in a DI diesel engine combustion" SAE paper 960035.1996.
[5]. Yub-Yih,et.al.,"Investigation of realizing SDI with high swirl charge in motor cycle e.ngine" International Journal of Energy, issue2, Volume.3, 2009......
C.V. Subba Reddy, C. Eswara Reddy, K. Hemachandra Reddy "Effect of Tangential Grooves on Piston Crown Of D.I. Diesel Engine with Retarded Injection Timing" published at International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, Volume 5, Issue 10 (January 2013)
MID 0510.067X.0098.IN
Page 01-06
ANED 06.067X/A05100106 aned
aned 067X-0510-0106



Tanushree Bhattacharjee, Prof. Milind R.Gidde, Dr.Bipinraj N.K.

Disinfection of Drinking Water in Rural Area Using Natural Herbs
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Rural population in India obtains their water supply from unprotected sources such as open dug wells, small streams, ponds and rivers which are often polluted. Due to economical and political constraints, the provision of piped water is not currently feasible. This circumstances leaves millions without access to safe drinking water. There are various methods available for disinfecting drinking water but not economically feasible for poor people. Interim solutions are clearly needed. Ocimum sanctum (Tulsi) and Azadirachta indica (Neem) are herbal plants which have antimicrobial activity against many of the microorganisms commonly found in water sources causing diseases to people. The present study was focused on evaluating the efficiency of Ocimum sanctum and Azadirachta indica to disinfect water from Lake, River and Well. In vitro antibacterial studies were carried out using aqueous leaf extract and fresh leaf juice against Salmonella typhi, an indicator microrganism. Ocimum sanctum and Azadirachta indica showed increase in antimicrobial activity with increase in concentration at specified contact time (18hrs).The antimicrobial effect of Aqueous extract showed better MPN reduction [ i.e. from 313 to 7 (Neem) &10 (Tulsi) for Well water ; from 175000 to 16000 (Neem) & 40000 (Tulsi) for Lake water ; from 125000 to 70000 (Neem) & 26000 (Tulsi) for River water] than the fresh leaf juice [ i.e. from 313 to 345 (Neem) & 1800 (Tulsi) for well water ; from 175000 to 152000 (Neem) and 175000 (Tulsi) for Lake water ; from 125000 to 180000 (Neem) & 210000 (Tulsi) for River water ] . The alcoholic extract showed the best result [ i.e. from 313 to 0 (Neem) & 2 (Tulsi) for Well water ; from 175000 to 4000 (Neem) & 2000 (Tulsi) for Lake water ; from 125000 to 2000 (Neem) & 2000 (Tulsi) ].
Azadirachta indica, Ocimum sanctum, Etahnolic extract, Aqueous extract, Antimicrobial activity.
[1]. G.A.Gagnon "Disinfection efficacy in distribution system." Journal of water supply: research and technology-AQUA.pg 115-125.(2007)
[2]. Maragathavalli, S., Brindha, S., Kaviyarasi, N.S., B. Annadurai, B. & Gangwar, S.K. "Antimicrobial activity in leaf extract of neem" International journal of science and nature.pg 110-113.(2012)
[3]. Sunil B.Somani(2011),Perforamnce Evaluation of Natural herbs for Antimicrobial activity in Water purification.
[4]. Poonam Mishra, Sanjay Mishra "Study of Antimicrobial Activity of Ocimum sanctum Extract against Gram Positive and Gram Negative Bacteria" American journal of food and technology.pg 336-341.(2011)
[5]. A. G. Bhole Herbal Disinfection, an Alternative Approach at Consumer-end. Intl. Seminar on "Environmental Planning and Management."(1996).....
Tanushree Bhattacharjee, Prof. Milind R.Gidde, Dr.Bipinraj N.K. "Disinfection of Drinking Water in Rural Area Using Natural Herbs" published at International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, Volume 5, Issue 10 (January 2013)
MID 0510.067X.0099.IN
Page 07-10
ANED 06.067X/B05100710 aned
aned 067X-0510-0710



Kasturi Nirmala, Dr.Shahnaz Bathul
A Case Study of Bank Queueing Model
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This paper deals with the Queueing theory and the analysis of queueing system by using probability curves. Starting with the basis of the distributions and important concepts of queueing theory, probability curves of Gamma distribution are used to analyse the banking service.
Arrival rate, Service rate, Poission process, Probability distribution, Gamma function, Gamma distributions, Probability graph, Random variable.
[1]. The effect of probabilities of arrivals with time in a bank. By Kasturi Nirmala and Dr.shahnaz Bathul; volume 3, issue 8, August 2012, International Journal of Science and Engineering Research.
[2]. The Effect of probabilities of departures with time in a bank, by K. Nirmala, Dr. Shahnaz Bathul; volume 4, issue 4, October 2012, International Journal of Science and Engineering Research. [3]. The study of difference of efficiency of a bank in a rural area and a bank in town, by K. Nirmala, Dr. Shahnaz Bathul; volume 4, issue 4, October 2012, International Journal of Engineering Research and Development.
[4]. Fundamentals of Queueing theory by James M Thomson, Donald Gross; Wiley series.
[5]. Operations research by Hamdy Taha......
Kasturi Nirmala, Dr.Shahnaz Bathul "A Case Study of Bank Queueing Model" published at International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, Volume 5, Issue 10 (January 2013)
MID 0510.067X.0100.IN
Page 11-18
ANED 06.067X/C05101118 aned
aned 067X-0510-1118



Fadele S.I, Jatau, B.S Baba A., Adegoke I.

Subsurface Electrical Resistivity Investigation At The Centre for Energy Research and Training, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Kaduna State,Nigeria
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Electrical resistivity method was used in carrying out geophysical investigations at the Centre for Energy Research and Training (CERT), Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, with a view of determining the depth to the bedrock, thickness of the top soil and weathered basement.Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) using Schlumberger array was carried out at forty (40) VES stations. ABEM terrameter (SAS 300) was used for the data acquisition. The field data obtained have been analysed using computer software (IPI2win) which gives an automatic interpretation of the apparent resistivity. Results from the interpretation suggest three layers in most parts of the study area. However, there is a case of two layers at a station. The resistivity value for the topsoil layer varies from 2 to 738Ωm with thickness ranging from 1 to 3.9 metres. The weathered basement has resistivity values ranging from 32 to 1735Ωm and thickness of between 0.52 and 23 metres. The fresh basement (bedrock) has resistivity values ranging from 100 to 6,036Ωm.
Electrical Resistivity, CERT (CT), Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES), Top Soil (TP), Weathered basement (WB), fresh basement (FB).

[1]. DANLADI, G.G. 1985. "Appraisal of Hydrological Investigation in Shallow Basement Area of Zaria". Unpublished M.Sc. Thesis, Department of Geology, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria.
[2]. DOBRIN, M. B. and SAVIT, C. H. 1988. "Introduction to Geophysical Prospecting". Fourth Edition, McGraw-Hill Book Co.
[3]. FAROUQ, A.U. 2001. "Geoelectric Investigation of the groundwater potential in the Institute for Agricultural Research farm". Unpublished M.Sc., Thesis, Department of Physics, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria.
[4]. HAROLD, E.D. 1970. "Arid Lands in Transition". The Hornshafer Company Division of G.D.W. King Printing Co., U.S.A.
[5]. KLINKENBERA, K. 1970. "Soil of Zaria Area, In Zaria and its Region" (ed. M. J. Mortimore), Department of Geography, Occasional Paper No. 4, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, P. 223 – 238.....

Fadele S.I, Jatau, B.S Baba A., Adegoke I. "Subsurface Electrical Resistivity Investigation At The Centre for Energy Research and Training, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Kaduna State,Nigeria" published at International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, Volume 5, Issue 10 (January 2013)
MID 0510.067X.0101.NG
Page 19-26
ANED 06.067X/D05101926 aned
aned 067X-0510-1926



Abhay Kulkarni, Dr. B. M. Dabade

Investigation of Human Aspect in Total Productive Maintenance (TPM): Literature Review
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Today in Indian industries total productive maintenance (TPM) has made significant impact on the managers, engineers, technicians and workers. Either with direct involvement in TPM implementation process or due to indirect awareness from employees of other nearby industries who have adopted or planned to adopt TPM concept; TPM has become part of concern for significant portion of employees of Indian manufacturing industries. Hence obviously it is important to investigate role of human in TPM concept and impact of TPM on the employees. For this purpose analysis of the link between TPM and employees is attempted herewith with exhaustive literature review focused on human accept of TPM.
Kaizen, TPM, Total productive maintenance, empowerment, participation, TQM, Industry, autonomous maintenance, SGA.

[1]. B.S. Dhillon, Maintainability, Maintenance, and Reliability for Engineers, CRC Press, 2006
[2]. M.C. Eti, S.O.T. Ogaji, S.D. Probert, Implementing total productive maintenance in Nigerian manufacturing industries, Applied Energy, 79, 2004, pp.385–401
[3]. Clyde E. Witt, TPM: The Foundation Of Lean, Material Handling Management,2006, http://www.mhlnews.com/facilities-management/mhm_imp_5031
[4]. Nakajima Seiichi, Introduction to TPM: Total Productive Maintenance, Productivity Press (India) Private Limited, 1998
[5]. Terry Wireman, Total Productive Maintenance, 2nd edition, Industrial Press Inc., New York, 2004....

Abhay Kulkarni, Dr. B. M. Dabade "Investigation of Human Aspect in Total Productive Maintenance (TPM): Literature Review" published at International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, Volume 5, Issue 10 (January 2013)
MID 0510.067X.0102.IN
Page 27-36
ANED 06.067X/E05102736 aned
aned 067X-0510-2736



Soon-kak Kwon, Kyung-seok Kim

Vessel Parametric Seat Modeling for Change Enhanced Usability
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Vessel designers have to go through many processes of input/change of numerical values of each part on vessel seat since the implementation of the automation of vessel design drawings. This paper is intended to relieve the consequent discomfort and provide convenience by identifying something in common in the series of steps and making a routine out of the found common facts.
Vessel, Seat Modeling, Standard Type, Special Type.

[1]. Y. Kim, K. Gotoh, and M. Toyosada, "Automatic two-dimensional layout using a rule-based heuristic algorithm," Journal of Marine Science and Technology, vol.8, pp. 37–46, May 2003.
[2]. W.-C. Lee, H. Ma, and B.-W. Cheng, "A heuristic for nesting problems of irregular shapes," Computer-Aided Design, vol.40, pp. 625–633, May 2008.

Abhay Kulkarni, Dr.B.M. Dabade "Vessel Parametric Seat Modeling for Change Enhanced Usability" published at International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, Volume 5, Issue 10 (January 2013)
MID 0510.067X.0103.KR
Page 37-40
ANED 06.067X/F05103740 aned
aned 067X-0510-3740



Soon-kak Kwon, Seung-hwan Kim
Performance Improvement for Vessel Nesting
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This paper presents the performance improvement method for vessel nesting processing. Within nesting processing, three functions are inserted. Trim connecting two objects is to improve the nesting processing speed. Polyline creating a single object from multiple selecting objects is also to improve the nesting processing speed. Overline removing the overlapped parts is to improve the speed and save the product resources.
Nesting, Trim, Overline, Polyline.

[1]. Y. Kim, K. Gotoh, and M. Toyosada, "Automatic two-dimensional layout using a rule-based heuristic algorithm," Journal of Marine Science and Technology, vol.8, pp. 37–46, May 2003.
[2]. W.-C. Lee, H. Ma, and B.-W. Cheng, "A heuristic for nesting problems of irregular shapes," Computer-Aided Design, vol.40, pp. 625–633, May 2008.
[3]. H. Ma, C.-C. Liu, "A fast nesting of 2-D sheet parts with arbitrary shapes using a greedy method and semi-discrete representations," IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, vol.4, pp. 273–282, April 2007.
[4]. S. Q. Xie, G. G. Wang, and Y. Liu, "Nesting of two-dimensional irregular parts: an integrated approach," International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, vol.20, pp. 741–756, Dec. 2007.

Soon-kak Kwon, Seung-hwan Kim "Performance Improvement for Vessel Nesting" published at International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, Volume 5, Issue 10 (January 2013)
MID 0510.067X.0104.KR
Page 41-46
ANED 06.067X/G05104146 aned
aned 067X-0510-4146