Volume 10 - Issue 1

IJERD : Volume 10 - Issue 1

S. V. Patil, Dr. S. D. Khamitkar

Mobile Agents for Sniffer Detection in Network Security Management
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In the network traffic sniffer is a type of program which steals the information in the network when data packets travel. In this paper we projected over the Mobile Agents for finding the sniffer program. The specially designed Mobile Agents and the Network Administrator plays very important role in detecting the sniffer program in the network security management. The Network Administrator sends the special Mobile Agents in the network and collects the information from different clients. After analyzing the information he easily identifies the sniffer program acting in the network.
Mobile Agent, Sniffer, Network Security.
[1]. S. V. Patil, Dr. S. D. Khamitkar & S. N. Lokhande, "Efficient use of Mobile Agents for Network
Security & Management", Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology
[2]. Network, Web & Security Volume 13 Issue 15 Version 1.0 Year 2013
[3]. Amit Mishra, "Mobile Agents: As a Solution for Sniffer Detection", International Journal of Computer
Technology and Electronics Engineering (IJCTEE) Volume 2, Issue 4, August 2012
[4]. Abdul Nasir Khan, Kalim Qureshi, and Sumair Khan, "An Intelligent Approach of Sniffer Detection",
the International Arab Journal of Information Technology, Vol. 9, No. 1, January 2012
[5]. Shiv Shakti Srivastava, Nitin Gupta, Saugata Ghosh, Saurabh Chaturvedi , "A Survey on Mobile Agent
based Intrusion Detection System" International Symposium on Devices MEMS, Intelligent Systems
& Communication (ISDMISC) 2011, Proceedings published by International Journal of Computer
Applications® (IJCA).
S. V. Patil, Dr. S. D. Khamitkar "Mobile Agents for Sniffer Detection in Network Security Management" published at International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, Volume 10, Issue 1 (February 2014)
MID 1001.067X.0001. India
Page 01-03
ANED 06.067X/A1010103 aned
aned 067X-1001-0103


Neethu.P.Uday, Annie P Oommen, Rajan P Thomas

A Bidirectional Universal Dc/Dc ConverterTopology for Electric Vehicle Applicationsand Photovoltaic Applications

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This paper proposes a fully directional dc/dc converter that interfaces the motor drive of the vehicle withthe energy storage system of the vehicle and the external charger of the vehicle (only in case of PHEVs). This dc/dc converter topology works in all directions in buck or boost modes with bidirectional power flow and noninverted output voltage. Furthermore, the working of the proposed circuit on connecting to a load is also presented in the paper. The output is further improved by actuating a feedback loop. The results are verified by MATLAB Simulink model. Voltage and current waveforms are presented to validate the proposed converter topology and control schemes. This proposed converter can also be used in photovoltaic applications with unidirectional power flow. When the system in unidirectional buck mode is actuated by a 24V dc, an output voltage of 12V is obtained. When the system in unidirectional boost mode is actuated by a 24V dc, an output voltage of 100V is obtained. The power at the output level is improved by using the closed loop feedback and the same is proved by the MATLAB simulated waveforms.
Bidirectional dc/dc converters, electric vehicles (EVs), energy storage system, universal dc/dcconverter, photovoltaic applications.
[1]. A.Emadi, Y.L.Lee, and R.Rajashekara, ―Power electronics and motor drives in electric, hybrid
electric, and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles,‖ IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol.55, no.6, pp.2237–2245,
[2]. R.Ghorbani, E.Bibeau, and S.Filizadeh, ―On conversion of electric vehicles to plug-in,‖ IEEE Trans.
Veh. Technol., vol.59, no.4, pp.2016– 2020, May2010.
[3]. Z.Amjadi and S.S.Williamson, ―Power-electronics-based solutions for plug-in hybrid electric vehicle
energy storage and management systems,‖ IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol.57, no.2, pp.608–616,
[4]. Y.-J.Lee, A.Khaligh, and A.Emadi, ―Advanced integrated bidirectional AC/DC and DC/DC converter
for plug-in hybrid electric vehicles,‖ IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol.58, no.5, pp.3970–3980,
[5]. B.W.Williams, ―Basic DC-to-DC converters,‖ IEEE Trans. Power Elecron., vol.23, no.1, pp.387–401,
Neethu.P.Uday, Annie P Oommen, Rajan P Thomas "A Bidirectional Universal Dc/Dc ConverterTopology for Electric Vehicle Applicationsand Photovoltaic Applications" published at International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, Volume 10, Issue 1 (February 2014)
MID 1001.067X.0002. India
Page 04-10
ANED 06.067X/B1010410 aned
aned 067X-1001-0410


Abhijith A R, Acy M Kottalil, George John P

Low Voltage Energy Harvesting With CukAnd Buck Boost Converter
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The conventional two-stage power converters with bridge rectifiers are inefficient and may not be practical for the low-voltage micro-generators. This paper presents an efficient ac-to-dc power converter that avoids the bridge rectification and directly converts the low ac input voltage to the required high dc output voltage at a higher efficiency. A cuk circuit and a buck boost circuit are connected parallel to an AC input voltage. During positive half cycle cuk circuit is working and during negative half cycle buck boost circuit is working. When an input of 400mV is given a regulated dc output of 3.5V is obtained from a dc bus having a single capacitor charged by both the circuits. The results are verified by MATLAB Simulink model. Voltage and current waveforms are presented to validate the proposed converter topology and control schemes.
micro-generator,cukconverter,buck boost converter,energy, rectification.
[1]. S. Dwari, R. D. and L. Parsa, "An efficient AC DC step up converter for low voltage energy harvesting," in Proc. Center Power Electron. Syst. (CPES) Semin., Apr. 2007, pp. 452–456.
[2]. S. Meninger, J. O. Mur-Miranda, R. Amirtharajah, A. P. Chandrakasan,and J. H. Lang, "Vibration-to-electric energy conversion," IEEE Trans.Very Large Scale Integr. Syst., vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 64–76, Feb. 2001.
[3]. M. El-Hami, P. Glynne-Jones, N. M. White, M. Hill, S. Beeby, E. James,A. D. Brown, and J. N. Ross, "Design and fabrication of a new vibrationbasedelectromechanical power generator," Sens. Actuators A: Phys.,vol. 92, pp. 335–342, 2001.
[4]. T. M. Thul, S. Dwari, R. D. Lorenz, and L. Parsa, "Energy harvesting and efficient power generation from human activities," in Proc. Center PowerElectron. Syst. (CPES) Semin., Apr. 2007, pp. 452–456.
[5]. N. G. Stephen, "On energy harvesting from ambient vibration," J. Sound Vibrations, vol. 293, pp. 409–425, 2006.
Abhijith A R, Acy M Kottalil, George John P "Low Voltage Energy Harvesting With CukAnd Buck Boost Converter" published at International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, Volume 10, Issue 1 (February 2014)
MID 1001.067X.0003. India
Page 11-15
ANED 06.067X/C1011115 aned
aned 067X-1001-1115


Arya Raveendran, Geetha B, Annie P Oommen

A Novel Interleaved Buck Converter with Closed Loop Control
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The paper presents a new Interleaved Buck Converter with feedback control. Closed loop control provides a good regulated output voltage. Proposed IBC is suitable for application where input voltage is high and operating duty cycle is less than 50%.In this IBC two active switches are connected in series and a coupling capacitor is employed in the power path. It shows that the voltage stress across all the active switches is half of the input voltage before turn-on or after turn-off when the operating duty is below 50%. So the capacitive discharging and switching losses can be reduced considerably. It allows proposed IBC to have higher efficiency and operate with higher switching frequency. In addition, the proposed IBC has a higher step-down conversion ratio and a smaller output current ripple compared with a conventional IBC. Simulation can be carried out to study the performance of the proposed topology in MATLAB/SIMULINK environment. With closed loop control a better output voltage is obtained.
Interleaved , Buck, PWM ,Closed loop
[1]. Shin Young Cho ,Gun Woo Moon,‖ Interleaved Buck Converter Having Low Switching losses and Improved Step-Down conversion ratio.
[2]. IEEE Transactions on Power electronics,vol.27 no.8.August 2012
[3]. Muhammad H Rashid,‖Power Electronics Handbook‖,Academic Press,USA,2001
[4]. Ned Mohan ,Tore M.Undeland and William P.Robbins,‖Power Electronics‖,John Wiley Wiley and Sons, Inc.,Publication, USA, 2003
[5]. R. W. Erickson and D. Maksimovic, Fundamentals of Power Electronics:KluwerAcademic Publisher, 2001, pp. 78–100.
Arya Raveendran, Geetha B, Annie P Oommen "A Novel Interleaved Buck Converter with Closed Loop Control" published at International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, Volume 10, Issue 1 (February 2014)
MID 1001.067X.0004. India
Page 16-21
ANED 06.067X/D1011621 aned
aned 067X-1001-1621


Anu Raveendran, Salice Peter, Aleyas M.V

Bridgeless High Power Factor Buck Converter with Controlled Boost Converter
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Power factor is an important performance parameter of a system .If the power factor of a system is low, it draws more current from the supply. So improving power factor is very much essential for better and economic performance of a system.This paper introduce a new power factor correction circuit which overcomes all the drawbacks of conventional power factor correction approaches. This proposed circuit will provide output voltage range of 257V, with input power factor 0.81 and input current THD of 40% .Here bridgeless buck rectifier output is given as input to the boost converter for maximising the output voltage level. Simulation has been carried out to study the performance of the proposed topology in MATLAB/SIMULINK environment.
Power factor correction (PFC), Bridgeless rectifier, Boost converter, voltage doubler, Total harmonic distortion (THD)
[1]. Yungtaek Jang,Milan M Jovanovic "Bridgeless High Power Factor Buck Converter", IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 26, no. 2, p602–611, Feb. 2011
[2]. L . Hubber, L. Gang, and M.M. Jovanovic, "Design-Oriented analysis and performance evaluation of buck front end'',
[3]. IEEE Trans.power Electron,.vol.25, no. 1,pp.85-94,Jan.2010
[4]. Sondeep K. Bassan, Dunisha S. Wijeratne, and Gerry Moschopoulos "A Three- Phase Reduced Switch High Power Factor Buck-Type, Converter,"IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol.25, no.11, pp.2772-278, Nov.2011
[5]. Vitor Fernao Pires, Jose Fernando A.Silva , "Single-Stage Three- Phase Buck –Boost Type AC-DC Converter With High Power Factor", IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol.16, no 6, pp.784-793, Nov.2011
[6]. Xiaogao Xie , Chen Zhao, Lingwei Zheng , Shirong Liu , " An Improved Buck PFC Converter With High Power Factor", IEEE Trans. Power Electron, vol.28.no.5, pp 2277-2284, May 2013
Anu Raveendran, Salice Peter, Aleyas M.V "Bridgeless High Power Factor Buck Converter with Controlled Boost Converter" published at International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, Volume 10, Issue 1 (February 2014)
MID 1001.067X.0005. India
Page 22-26
ANED 06.067X/E1012226 aned
aned 067X-1001-2226


W. Al-Hameed, P.D.Picton, Y.Al-Mayali

Context-Based Image Segmentation of Radiography
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In radiographic images, many researchers have used conventional image processing techniques to detect and segment any defects, which could include cracks, porosity or inclusions. Usually, these methods do not take into account the contextual knowledge that is used by the experienced radiographer, and instead use standard image processing techniques. In this research, knowledge about the defects and the images are used to develop a much simpler image processing technique.
[1] W. Al-Hameed, Y. Mayali, P. Picton, "Segmentation of Radiographic mages of Weld Defects", Journal of Global Research in Computer Science, 4, 7, pp. 1-4, July 2013. [2] X. Wang and B.S. Wong ,'Radiographic Image Segmentationfor Weld Inspection Usinga Robust Algorithm', Research in Nondestructive Evaluation, 16, 3, pp. 131–142, 2005 [3] R. Silva and D. Mery, "State-of-the-art of weld seam inspection using X-ray testing: Part I –Image Processing", Materials Evaluation, Vol. 65, No. 6, pp. 643–647, 2007. [4] R. Silva and D. Mery. "State-of-the-art of weld seam inspection using X-ray testing: Part II - Pattern Recognition", Materials Evaluation, Vol. 65, No. 9, p. 833–838, 2007. [5] N. Nacereddine, M. Zelmat, S.S. Belaïfaand,M. Tridi, "Weld defect detection in industrial radiography based digital image processing", Proc. 3rd International Conference: Sciences of Electronic, Technologies of Information and Telecommunications, Tunisia, March 27-31, 2005.
W. Al-Hameed, P.D.Picton, Y.Al-Mayali "Context-Based Image Segmentation of Radiography" published at International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, Volume 10, Issue 1 (February 2014)
MID 1001.067X.0006. India
Page 27-31
ANED 06.067X/F1012731 aned
aned 067X-1001-2731


Nikhil Mohanan, Jeena Joy, Kavitha Issac

Controlled Single Switch Step down AC/DC Converter without Transformer
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A single-phase series-resonant soft-switched ac chopper without auxiliary switches with an efficient control circuit is presented. Basic working principle is series-resonant conversion without any cycloconversion action. Auxiliary switches are absent in this topology. The presented single-phase ac chopper is producing the resonant voltage robes by the action of series resonator with the help of four bidirectional switches. A series of sinusoidal amplitude quasi-sinusoidal pulses synthesized and present at the output as purely sinusoidal waveform following the input voltage waveform. Frequency modulation with a constant-on time control technique is used in this proposed system. Waveform syntheses for the output sinusoidal voltage are clearly explained with waveforms. A typical design example of single-phase soft-switching ac chopper is simulated to assess the system performance. The power efficiency is improved by using soft switching techniques. The total harmonic distortion is well below 1%. MATLAB software is used to simulate the model.
ac chopper, series resonant converter, Zero-current-switching, pi controller, THD.
[1]. Chien-Ming Wang, Chang-Hua Lin, Ching-Hung Su, and Shih-Yuan Chang, " A Novel Single-Phase Soft- Switching AC Chopper Without Auxiliary Switches," IEEE transactions on power electronics, vol. 26, NO. 7, July 2011.
[2]. Chien-Ming Wang, Maoh-Chin Jiang, Chang-Hua Lin, Chia-Hua Liu,Deng-Jie Yang," A Series Resonant Single-Phase up/down AC Chopper" PEDS 2009
[3]. B.W.Williams, "Asymmetrically modulated AC choppers," IEEE Trans.Ind. Electron., vol. IE-29, no. 3, pp. 181–185, Aug. 1982.
[4]. G. Roy, P. Poitevin, and G. Olivier, "A comparative study of single phase modulated AC choppers," IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., vol. IA-20, no. 6, pp. 1498–1506, Nov./Dec. 1984.
[5]. N. A. Ahmed, K. Amei, and M. Sakui, "A new configuration of single phase symmetrical PWM AC chopper voltage controller," IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 46, no. 5, pp. 942–951, Oct. 1999.
[6]. G.H.Choe,A.K.Wallace, andM.H. Park, "An improved PWMtechnique for AC choppers," IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 496– 505, Oct. 1989.
[7]. B. Cougo and T.Meynard, "Analysis and compensation methods of deadtime effects in a PWM AC chopper," in Proc. EPE 2007, pp. 1–8.
Nikhil Mohanan, Jeena Joy, Kavitha Issac "A CONTROLLED SINGLE-PHASE SERIES RESONANT AC CHOPPERr" published at International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, Volume 10, Issue 1 (February 2014)
MID 1001-.067X.0007. India
Page 32-38
ANED 06.067X/G1013238 aned
aned 067X-1001-3238


G.P.Mohapatra, P.S.N.Murty, A.Anilkumar, Ch.Jayant Kumar, C.V.Brahmam

Geotechnical Appraisal Off Andhra Coast Between Nuvvalarevu And Bavanapadu
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In this paper, we are planning to use M20 concrete and recycled waste plastic powder as modifier. Modifier will be added in different amounts (2%, 5%, 10%, 15% & 20%) to replace the same amount of cement. Tests are to be conducted on fine and coarse aggregates and cement to find their physical properties. Based on these tests, we have to analyze whether the addition of plastic waste in concrete is economical or not.
Geotechnical parameters, textural charectristics, seismics, Nuvvalarevu

[1]. Ramamurthy, M. and others, 1991 Progress report on SK-72 cruise(Kalingapatnam Project). Geological Survey of India, Marine Wing (unpublished)
[2]. Rao, B.R., Mohapatra, G.P., Vaz, G.G., Reddy, D.R.S., Hari Prasad, M., Misra, U.S., Raju, D.C.L. and Sankar, J. 1992 a Origin and distribution of inner continental shelf sands along parts of North Andhra coast. Geological Survey of India, Spl.pub. No.29, pp.173-179.
[3]. Ravikumar,V. and others, 1999:Progress report on seabed surveys for preliminary evaluation of placer minerals within the territorial waters off Andhra coast (SK- 114 cruise). Geological Survey of India, Marine Wing (unpublished).

[4]. Mohapatra,G.P.,Vaz,G.G and Hariprasad,M. 2003: Sealevel changes and its bearing on the morphology and sedimentation on the southern part of eastern continental shelf of India, , Procd, Geosas-IV , pp134-149.
[5]. Mohapatra,G.P. and Murty,P.S.N. 1999: Morphology of continental shelf off north Andhra Pradesh coast and its bearing on Holocene transgression, Ind.Jour.Geomorphology,v-4,pp35-44,


G.P.Mohapatra, P.S.N.Murty, A.Anilkumar, Ch.Jayant Kumar, C.V.Brahmam "Geotechnical Appraisal Off Andhra Coast Between Nuvvalarevu And Bavanapadu" published at International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, Volume 10, Issue 1 (February 2014)
MID 1001.067X.0008. India
Page 39-53
ANED 06.067X/H1013953 aned
aned 067X-1001-3953


Abdulrasyid Tolangara

Forest Destruction, Wood Utilization and Mangrove Area in District Jailolo, West Halmahera Regency, Province Of North Mollucas and the Conservation Education

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Mangrove forest in the District Jailolo, West Halmahera, the Province of North Mollucas nawadays has rampant serious destructions; this condition is very worrying because people in that area are always utilize wood (timber) from mangrove forests for various daily purposes, including for firewood, home building materials, furnishings and other household purposes such as boats as well as parts of the boat. Moreover the mangrove area has been converted into fishponds, which are in the end left out to become an open field. This sea tide may flood and endanger the people near the coastal area as well as the marine biota surrounding the mangrove forests. This condition is urgent, requiring real actions from the government as well as relevant agencies, to make efforts in order to conserve mangrove forests in many ways, one of which is to integrate to enviromental conservation learning in some subjects in school, using two ways: (1) infusion method; and (2) block method, by developing learning modules about natural disaster mitigation that can be taught from the elementary school students (SD) to the high school (SMA). From this, the students are expected to be able to foster their sense of belonging and awareness to the environment, including mangrove forests.
Forest destruction, utilization of mangrove woods and area, conservation education
[1]. Armanto, D., Marzunita, H.N. Saprudin, M.D. Sudarja, A Royan, Suryamah, S. Wijayanti, L. Didit, S. Iwan dan Suarsih. Friends with Threat : Book Aid Disaster Management Education for Elementary School Children .Teaching Modules for Teachers. Grasindo & Walhi. Jakarta. 2007.
[2]. Bengen. Sinopsisi Ecosystem and Natural Resources Coastal and Marine , As Well As The management principle. Institute of Agriculture Bogor. 2002.
[3]. Bengen, D.G. dan Adriyanto. Strategies for Community Empowerment in the Mangrove Forest Conservation .Coastal and Marine Studies Center, Institute of Agriculture Bogor.2008.
[4]. BPS District Halmahera .Population Statistics.. (online) http://www.depdagri.go.id/pages/profil-daerah/kabupaten/id/82/Kabupaten-Kementerian Dalam Negeri - Republik Indonesia, retrieved at 5 September 2012). 2011.
[5]. Duhari,R. Coastal Resources Management and Integrated Ocean. PT Pradnya Paramita. Jakarta. 2001.
Abdulrasyid Tolangara "Forest Destruction, Wood Utilization and Mangrove Area in District Jailolo, West Halmahera Regency, Province Of North Mollucas and the Conservation Education" published at International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, Volume 10, Issue 1 (February 2014)
MID 1001.067X.0009. Ternate
Page 54-60
ANED 06.067X/I1015460 aned
aned 067X-1001-5460


Abhishek Kaluri, Murali Krishna M.V.S.

Studies on exhaust emissions from copper coated, four stroke spark ignition engine with catalytic converter with methanol blended gasoline

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The major exhaust emissions from spark ignition engine operating on gasoline fuel are carbon monoxide (CO) and unburnt hydrocarbons (UBHC), which are hazardous to human beings and environment. However, if the engine is operated with methanol blended gasoline, aldehydes are also to be taken into consideration. Experiments were carried out on a Copper coated spark ignition engine operated with methanol blended gasoline (20% v/v), fitted with a catalytic converter containing Sponge Iron as catalyst. The influence of engine parameters such as speed, compression ratio and configuration of the combustion chamber with and without catalytic converter on the exhaust emissions is studied. Comparative studies were made with a conventional engine using pure gasoline as fuel. The speed of engine has marginal effect, while compression ratio has strong influence on reduction of pollutants. Air injection into the catalytic converter has further reduced the pollutants considerably.
Spark ignition engine, Exhaust emissions, Copper coating, Catalytic converter, Air injection and Methanol blended gasoline
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Abhishek Kaluri, Murali Krishna M.V.S. "Studies on exhaust emissions from copper coated, four stroke spark ignition engine with catalytic converter with methanol blended gasoline" published at International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, Volume 10, Issue 1 (February 2014)
MID 1001.067X.0010. India
Page 61-69
ANED 06.067X/J1016169 aned
aned 067X-1001-6169