Volume 6 - Issue 1

IJERD : Volume 6 - Issue 1

Amadi, A. N., Ameh, M. I., Idris-Nda, A., Okoye, N. O. Ejiofor, C. I.

Geological and Geophysical Investigation of Groundwater in Parts of Paiko, Sheet 185, North-Central Nigeria
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Geological and geophysical investigation of groundwater potential was carried out in Paiko town, Niger state. The area is part of the Basement complex of north central Nigeria, comprising of granite-gneiss and granitic rocks varying in grain size, outcropping at different locations within the area. The Schlumberger configuration of electrical resistivity method was employed with a maximum AB/2 of 70m. A total of not less than 33 Vertical Electrical Soundings (VES) were established within the study area. Qualitative and quantitative interpretation of the obtained data were carried out, via visual inspection of the field curve, traditional curve matching involving the master and auxiliary curves as well as the computer iteration (Winresist software) to generate resolution curves. The dominant curve types in the area are: H, HA, and HK curve types. The pre and post drilling data obtained, also indicates the dominance of these curve types. Geoelectric sections generated from the geoelectric logs indicate three major layers exist in the Paiko Basement rocks at various depths. The topmost layer is the Loess unsaturated topsoil with resistivity value ranging between 50 - 125.9Ωm and a depth of about 0.9-1.5m. The topmost layer is underlain with the slightly weathered/fractured Basement with resistivity values ranging between 90-270Ωm with a thickness of 4.6-12m to the depth range 15-30m. The last layer is the Fresh Basement unit with resistivity value ranging between 388-1800Ωm to a fairly infinitive depth. Borehole depth in the study area ranges between 30-60m. The study also revealed that the fractures in the study area are discrete, localized and discontinuous.
Paiko, geo-electric log, geo-electric section, vertical electrical sounding, groundwater flownet.

[1]. Ajibade, A. C., (1980). Protozoic Crustal Development in the Pan-African Regime of Nigeria. In C. A. Kogbe (Editor) Geology of Nigeria. Published by Rockview (Nigeria) Ltd., Pp 57-63.
[2]. Amadi, A. N., (2010). Hydrogeological and geophysical study of Bosso area of Minna, North-Central Nigeria. Bayero Journal of Physics and Mathematical Sciences, 3(1), 66 – 73.
[3]. Amadi, A. N., Olasehinde, P. I., Okunlola, I. A., Okoye, N. O. and Waziri, S., (2010). A multidisciplinary approach to subsurface characterization in Northwest of Minna, Niger State, Nigeria. Bayero Journal of Physics and Mathematical Sciences, 3(1), 74 – 83.
[4]. Charles, R. Fitts (2002). Groundwater Science. Elsevier Science. Pp 89
[5]. Flathe, H., (1955). Possibilities and limitations in the applying geoelectrical methods to hydrogeological problems in coastal areas of northwest Germeny. Geophysical Prospecting. V.3, No.2, pp 95-100....

Amadi, A. N., Ameh, M. I., Idris-Nda, A., Okoye, N. O. Ejiofor, C. I. "Geological and Geophysical Investigation of Groundwater in Parts of Paiko, Sheet 185, North-Central Nigeria" published at International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, Volume 6, Issue 1 (February 2013)
MID 0601.067X.0001. Nigeria
Page 01-08
ANED 06.067X/A06010108 aned
aned 067X-0601-0108



Amadi A. N., Ejepu J. S., Idris-Nda A., Dan-Hassan M. A., Aminu Tukur

Analysis of Groundwater Quality from Coastal Aquifers around Agbara Industrial Estate, Lagos, Southwest Nigeria
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The quality of water is measured in terms of its physical, chemical and bacteriological characteristics. Groundwater in most coastal aquifers has deteriorated owing heavy anthropogenic interference with the hydrological cycle. The study revealed that the pH in the area is low and enhanced the high rate of microbial activity typified by elevated concentration of BOD. COD, total coliform and E.coli. They human and microbial activities affected the colour. The high concentration of manganese may be due to effluent from the industries within the estate which are discharge into the environment without proper treatment. The Piper diagram shows that the water type in the area in Na-Cl type indicating a possible marine source. Good sanitary habit and proper treatment of industrial effluent before discharge into the surrounding is advocated.
Groundwater Quality, Coastal Aquifers, Agbara Industrial Estate, Lagos, Southwest Nigeria.
[2]. Adegoke, O. S. and Omatsola, M. E. (1981). Tectonic evolution and cretaceous stratigraph of the Dahomey Basin, Journal of mining and geology, 18(1), 130-137
[3]. Ajibade, A. C. and Wright, J. B. (1988). Structural Relationship in the Schist Belts of North Western Nigeria. In P.O Oluyide et al (Eds).Precambrian geology of Nigeria. A publication of Geological Survey, 103-109.
[4]. Amadi, A. N., (2012). Quality Assessment of Aba River using heavy metal pollution index. American Journal of Environmental Enginerring, 2(1), 45-49.
[5]. Amadi, A.N., Nwankwoala, H.O., Olasehinde, P.I., Okoye, N.O., Okunlola, I.A. and Alkali, Y.B., (2012). Investigation of Aquifer Quality in Bonny Island, Eastern Niger Delta, Nigeria using geophysical and geochemical techniques. Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Apllied Sciences, 3(1), 180 – 184.....
Amadi A. N., Ejepu J. S., Idris-Nda A., Dan-Hassan M. A., Aminu Tukur "Analysis of Groundwater Quality from Coastal Aquifers around Agbara Industrial Estate, Lagos, Southwest Nigeria" published at International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, Volume 6, Issue 1 (February 2013)
MID 0601.067X.0002. Nigeria
Page 09-14
ANED 06.067X/B06010914 aned
aned 067X-0601-0914



Dr. R. D. Kanphade, S. B. Patil, Rohan Musale
Design and Implementation of Memory Interface Controller with SRAM Memory
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Any digital system requires memory to store the data and a controller to operate it. Generally ardware is used for computation with the memory. But these computations are permanently frozen by manufacturing process. So this kind of system can‟t provide flexibility to change the design. The proposed model is an integrated memory controller with its SRAM; which can be used for any real time application. A Memory controller and SRAM of size (256×8) is designed with VHDL coding. It is a prototype model using Xilinx‟s Spartan FPGA .FPGA gives nearly all benefits of software flexibility and development model. This FPGA- based system can be reprogrammed many times or even new task can be performed.
Memory controller, SRAM, FPGA, Xilinx‟s Spartan.
[1]. Mahendra Kumar, Kailash Chandra,"Low Power High Performance SRAM Design Using VHDL ‟‟ Global journal of researches in Engineering. Volume 11 Issue 1 Version 1.0 February 2011.
[2]. Baosheng Wang, Yuejian Wu and André Ivanov, "A Fast Diagnosis Scheme for Distributed Small Embedded SRAMs‟‟, Proceedings of the Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference and Exhibition (DATE'05)1530-1591/05 $ 20.00 IEEE
[3]. Naagesh. S. Bhat , " Design and modelling of different sram‟s Based on cntfet 32nm technology", International Journal of VLSI design & Communication Systems (VLSICS) Vol.3, No.1, February 2012.
[4]. Mr. Sunil Jadav, Mr. Vikrant and Dr. Munish Vashisath, "Design and performance analysis of ultra low power 6t sram using adiabatic technique", International Journal of VLSI design & Communication Systems (VLSICS) Vol.3, No.3, June 2012
[5]. Joonseok Park and Pedro C. Diniz, "Synthesis and Estimation of Memory Interfaces for FPGA-based Reconfigurable Computing Engines", FCCM'03, April 08-11, 2003, Napa, California, USA.....
Dr. R. D. Kanphade, S. B. Patil, Rohan Musale "Design and Implementation of Memory Interface Controller with SRAM Memory" published at International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, Volume 6, Issue 1 (February 2013)
MID 0601.067X.0003. India
Page 15-20
ANED 06.067X/C06011520 aned
aned 067X-0601-1520



Jandel S Yadav, Dr. Anshul Gangele

A Fuzzy Integrated Methodology for Quality Function Deployment in Manufacturing Industry
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Quality function deployment (QFD) is the product development process to maximize customer satisfaction. The engineering design characteristics related to product performance are specified for this purpose. For dealing with the fuzzy nature in the product design process, fuzzy approaches are applied to represent the relationship between customer requirements (CRs) and engineering design requirements (DRs) as well as among DRs. A new measure for evaluating the fuzzy normalized relationships is derived. A fuzzy approach is formulated to determine the fulfillment level of each DR for maximizing the customer satisfaction under the resource limitation and the considerations of technical difficulty and market competition. This paper is proposing a comprehensive framework in order to formulate strategy in organisations. This research work provides methodology for development of fuzzy based quality function deployment (FBQFD) application in the manufacturing industry. The paper is composed of the background of FBQFD, related research work review and points for developing in manufacturing environment. Then it describes the needs of development of fuzzy based QFD due to uncertainty on the available human experts in product development and expansion resulting in avoiding the lack of the human availability and achieving an expert environment that can predicate the quality of the assuming product with respect of customer demand, so that it can provide system for retrieving design and manufacturing data. In present competitive environment, it is necessary for companies to evaluate design time and efforts at the early stage of product development. However, there is somewhat lacking in systematic analytical methods for product development for product design time (PDT). For this end, this paper explores an intelligent method to evaluate the PDT. At the early development stage, designers are short of sufficient product information and have difficulty in determining PDT by subjective evaluation. Thus, a fuzzy measurable house of quality (FM-HOQ) Approach is proposed to provide measurable engineering information. Quality function deployment (QFD) is combined with a mapping pattern of "function→principle→structure" to extract product characteristics from customer demand.
Quality Function Deployment, Fuzzy Logic, Product Design, Quality Control, House of Quality.

[1]. Akao Yoji. Introduction to Quality Deployment (Application Manual of Quality Function Deployment (1), (Japanese) JUSE Press, 1990.
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[3]. B. Krupiska, D. Szewieczek, L. A. Dobrzaski, Improvement of technological processes by the use of technological efficiency analysis, Archives of Materials Science and Engineering 28/12 (2007) 751-756.
[4]. Kasim M. daws, Zuhair A. Ahmed *, Amer A. Moosa, An Intelligent Quality Function Deployment (IQFD) for Manufacturing Process Environment JJMIE Vol-3, 2009.
[5]. Clausing, D. and S. Pugh, Enhanced Quality Function Deployment, Design and Productivity International Conference, Honolulu HI, 6-8 Feb, 1991.....

Jandel S Yadav, Dr. Anshul Gangele "A Fuzzy Integrated Methodology for Quality Function Deployment in Manufacturing Industry" published at International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, Volume 6, Issue 1 (February 2013)
MID 0601.067X.0004. India
Page 21-26
ANED 06.067X/D06012126 aned
aned 067X-0601-2126



Harish chandra, V. Upadhyay, A.K. Agrawal, P.N. Pandey

A Mathematical Model on the Two Phase Renal Systolic Blood Flow in Arterioles with Special Reference to Diabetes
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In the present paper we have formulated the renal blood flow in arterioles. Keeping in view the nature of renal circulatory system in human body. The viscosity increases in the arterioles due to formation of Rolex along axis by red blood cells, as we know the arterioles are remote from heart and proximate to the kidney. P.N. Pandey and V. Upadhyay have considered the blood flow has two phased , one of which is that of red blood cells and other is Plasma .They have also applied the Herschel Bulkley non –Newtonian Model in bio-fluid mechanical set-up .We have collected a clinical data in case of Diabetes for Hematocrit v/s Blood Pressure. The graphical presentation for particular parametric value is much closed to the clinical observation. The overall presentation is in tensorial form and solution technique adapted is analytical as well as numerical. The role of Hematocrit is explicit in the determination of blood pressure in case of renal disease –Diabetes.
A Mathematical Model on the Two Phase Renal Systolic Blood Flow in Arterioles with Special Reference to Diabetes

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[3]. IDF Diabetes Atlas, 4th edition. International Diabetes Federation,2009.
[4]. Novartis. ―Kidneys in situ: Anterior view.‖ Columbia University Department of Surgery. www.columbiasuregery.org /programs/tx_renal/dis_function.html, 2003.

[5]. Lesley A. Stevens, M.D., Josef Coresh, M.D., Ph.D., Tom Greene, Ph.D., and Andrew S. Levey, M.D.N Engl J Med Assessing Kidney Function—Measured and Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate2006; 354:2473-2483June 8, 2006DOI: 10.1056/NEJMra054415.....

Harish chandra, V. Upadhyay, A.K. Agrawal, P.N. Pandey "A Mathematical Model on the Two Phase Renal Systolic Blood Flow in Arterioles with Special Reference to Diabetes" published at International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, Volume 6, Issue 1 (February 2013)
MID 0601.067X.0005. India
Page 27-33
ANED 06.067X/E06012733 aned
aned 067X-0601-2733



A. K. Pandey, M. I. Khan, K. M. Moeed

Study of the Effect of Resistance Spot Welding Parameters on Nugget Diameter
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The present investigation considers the contribution of important spot welding parameters like welding current, electrode pressure and welding time to the nugget diameter the experiments have been conducted by varying these parameters using Taguchi method. The results of the investigation have been analyzed by using ANOVA technique. The results of the analysis indicate the current to be the most significant parameter that controls the nugget diameter. The contribution of current, pressure and time is in the ratio of 40:8:1.
resistance spot welding, nugget diameter, Taguchi, orthogonal array, ANOVA.

[1]. Aslanlar S, Ogur A, Ozsarac U, Ilhan E. Welding time effect on mechanical properties of automotive sheets in electrical resistance spot welding. J MaterDes 2008;29:1427–31..
[2]. Luo Yi , Liu Jinhe ,Xu Huibin, Xiong Chengzhi, Liu lin. Regression modeling and process analysis of resistance spot welding on galvanized steel sheet
[3]. AWS D8.7: Recommended Practices for Automotive Weld Quality—Resistance Spot Welding, American Welding Society, Miami, FL, 2004.
[4]. W.H. Yang, Y.S. Tang, Design optimization of cutting parameters for turning operations based on Taguchi method, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 84 (1998) 122-129.
[5]. D.C. Montgometry, Design and analysis of experiments, 4th edition, New York: Wiley; 1997....

A. K. Pandey, M. I. Khan, K. M. Moeed "Study of the Effect of Resistance Spot Welding Parameters on Nugget Diameter" published at International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, Volume 6, Issue 1 (February 2013)
MID 0601.067X.0006. India
Page 34-40
ANED 06.067X/F06013440 aned
aned 067X-0601-3440



Suhas D Kshirsagar, M M Deshmukh
Combined Vapour Compression-Ejector Refrigeration System: A Review
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The latest developments of the ejector refrigeration and combined vapour compression-ejector refrigeration systems are presented. Also their operating conditions and the coefficients of performance, obtained by various researchers‟ theoretical and experimental studies, are given. The importance of the working fluid in the performance of the system is emphasized in conjunction with the intercooler, which allows the use of two different refrigerants at a time in the jet and compressor subsystems. Searching appropriate refrigerants, some theoretical and experimental studies show the advantages of using R134a in these systems. However, the use of hydrocarbon refrigerants like isobutene (R600a) is proposed as a good option, although research and some safety procedures have to be developed before applying these "nature friendly" refrigerants.
combined vapour compression-ejector refrigeration, ejector, vapour compression refrigeration.

[1]. Gonza´ lez Bravo, H., 2005. Disen˜o te´rmico meca´nico de una ma´quina solar de refrigeracio´n por eyectocompresio´n de vapor para la produccio´n de 100 kg. de hielo. Universidad La Salle, Me´xico.
[2]. Sun, D.W., 1998a. Evaluation of a combined ejector-vapourcompression refrigeration system. Int. J. Energ. Res. 22, 333-342.
[3]. Sun, D.W., 1998b. Evaluation of a solar combined ejector-vapourcompression refrigeration system. International Journal of Energy Research 2, 333-342.
[4]. Gay N.H., 1931, Refrigerating system, US Patent 1,836,318.
[5]. Martynowsky, W., 1954. Use of waste heat for refrigeration. Refrigeration Eng. 62, 51.

Suhas D Kshirsagar, M M Deshmukh "Combined Vapour Compression-Ejector Refrigeration System: A Review" published at International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, Volume 6, Issue 1 (February 2013)
MID 0601.067X.0007. India
Page 41-52
ANED 06.067X/G06014152 aned
aned 067X-0601-4152