Vaya Dinopoulou, Konstantinos Kakoulis, Panagiotis Kyratsis |
Optimal Assembly Plan and Control of Networks |
The routing problem of jobs/customers arriving in a network of parallel queues, constitutes a
problem of queuing theory with important applications. Consider N parallel queues each with finite buffer size.
The buffer size of queue i is denoted by Ni and it is equal with the number of processors in the queue. Jobs
arrive according to a Poisson process with rate λ. A controller assigns new arrivals to queues. Arriving jobs, that
find all buffers occupied, are lost according to the system. A job assigned to a processor may not change in the
future. The time it takes for a job to be processed is exponentially distributed with rate μ. Processing times and
arrival times are all assumed to be independent. The problem is the determination of the assembly plan of such
systems and their control. The criterion that is used is the minimisation of sum of the services quality cost and
server holding cost.
Optimal server allocation; optimal control of parallel queues; service level agreement.
[1]. J.L. Hellerstein, K. Katircioglu, and M. Surendra, "An on-Line, business-oriented optimization of
performance and availability for utility computing", IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in
Communications, vol 23(10), pp. 2013-2021, 2005. [3]. W. Winston, "Optimality of the shortest line discipline", J. Appl. Prob., vol. 14, pp. 181-189, 1977.
Sudarma M., Widarma BGB |
Adaptive Bounding Box Searching Method Implementation for the Character Number Motor Vehicles Analysis | ||||||||||||
Motor vehicle license plate detection system based on mobile is a motor vehicle license plate area
detection system by using smart phone with windows phone operating system version 7.5. The pictures taken by
smart phone camera are processed with high-pass convolution in order to get character objects on license plate.
The outcome of convolution further is marking license plate's character candidates with adaptive bounding box
searching method. License plate's character candidates obtained will be selected again to form a vehicle license
plate. In this research 150 image samples were tested, where 50 images were tested with image taken distance of
1 – 1.5 meter, 50 images were tested with image taken distance of 1.5 – 2 meter, and 50 images were tested with
image taken distance of 2 – 2.5 meter. From the research it was obtained that the highest success rate was at
image taken distance of 1.5 – 2 meter which was 90%.
PCD, vehicle detection plate, adaptive bounding box searching.
[1]. Ardisasmita,M.S., Pengolahan Citra Digital Dan Analisis Kuanntatif Dalam Karakterisasi Citra
Mikroskopik., Journal Mikroskopi dan Mikroanalisis, Vol3 No.1, 2000, ISSN 1410-5594 [5]. Pramudya, P., 2011. Membuat Aplikasi Untuk Windows Phone. Andi Offset:Yogyakarta....
Laila Moussaid, Mostafa Hanoune |
Etude du comportement des objets java dans le Tas |
L'allocation et la libération explicite des données dans la mémoire provoquent une quantité
importante d'erreurs dans les langages de programmation .Or, avec L'apparition du java comme un langage
Orienté objet qui possède la technique de la gestion de la mémoire d'une façon automatique simplifie les
programmes et élimine une préoccupation du développeur qui ne se soucie ni de l'allocation d'objet ni de sa
libération, contribuant de ce fait à s'abstraire facilement du matériel .pour ceci un grand nombre de technique
ont été développées pour gérer la mémoire à objet automatiquement. Après une présentation de l'état de l'art dans ce domaine, on va pencher sur notre approche proposée pour gérer les objets java dans le Tas .on clôtura ce manuscrit par une simulation. Système embarqué, ramasse-miettes, gestion de la mémoire, J2ME, Tas.
[1]. Richard E. Jones. Garbage Collection: Algorithms for Automatic Dynamic Memory Management.
Wiley, 1996. [p. 35, 39,40,48]
[2]. Paul R. Wilson. Uniprocessor garbage collection techniques. In Proceedings of the 1992 International Workshop on Memory Management (IWMM'92), pages 1–42.Springer, 1992. [p. 39, 42] [3]. John McCarthy. Recursive functions of symbolic expressions and their computation by machine. Communications of the ACM, 3(4):184–195, 1960. [p. 39] [4]. S.REN and G.A.Agha.AModular Approch for programming Distributed Real-Time Systems.Journal Of Parallel and Distributed Computing,36(1),January 1996. [5]. S.REN and G.A.Agha.AModular Approch for programming Embedded systems.In Proc.of Lectures on Embedded Systems,LNCS Vol.1494.springer verlag.,1996.... |
Radhika K. T., Dr.P.C. Reghu Raj |
Semantic Role Extraction and General Concept Understanding in Malayalam using Paninian Grammar | ||||||||||||
The collection of methods by which human languages convey meaning is called meaning structure of a language. It includes many conventional form-meaning associations, word-order regularities, tense systems, conjunctions and quantifiers, and a fundamental predicate-argument structure. In the Dravidian language, Malayalam, the Karaka theory, is useful for both the syntax analysis and semantic analysis of Malayalam sentences. Here proposes a system that builds semantic structure from a given Malayalam text using semantic roles (karakas) extraction. Semantic structure can be utilized for solving many language computing tasks such as Conceptual Indexing, Conceptual searching and retrieval, automatic question answering, automatic text summarization, syntactic and semantic analysis of Malayalam documents, etc.
Natural Language Processing, Malayalam, Vibhakthi, Karaka, POS tagging, compound words, Semantic structure.
[1]. Akshar Bharati, Vineeth Chaithanya, Rajeev Sangal, "Natural Language Processing: A Paninian Perspective", Prentice-Hall of India, New Delhi.
[2]. Aparnna T, Raji P G, Soman K P, "Integer Linear Programming Approach to Dependency Parsing for MALAYALAM", International Conference on Recent Trends in Information, Telecommunication and Computing,2010. [3]. A. R. Rajaraja Varma , Keralapanineeyam, Sahitya Pravarthaka , C S Ltd., Kottayam,1968 [4]. Anish A, "Part of speech tagging for Malayalam", Amritha School of Engineering, 2008. [5]. Daniel Jurasfky and James H. Martin, An introduction to Natural Lan-guage Processing, Computational Linguistics, and Speech Recognition, Pearson Education, Inc. 2000.
Amendra Bhandari, Agha A. Husain, Manveen S. Chadha, Ashish Gupta |
Lossy and Lossless Current-mode Integrators using CMOS Current Mirrors | ||||||||||||
Analogue design has been historically viewed both in voltage-mode and current-mode dominated
form of signal processing. In literature wide variety of techniques and circuits are available for the design of
different current-mode signal processing circuits suitable for VLSI implementation. In this paper we present the
major current-mode building blocks using complementary CMOS current-mirror pairs such as current adders
and current integrators (lossy and lossless). These building blocks form the basic constitutional blocks for the
implementation of second-order continuous-time current-mode active filters. All the proposed circuits presented
in this paper were tested in SPICE using 0.5μm CMOS process parameters provided by MOSIS (Agilent) and
the results thus obtained were in accordance with the theoretical values.
Complementary CMOS current-mirrors, current-adders, current-mode integrators, active filters,
analog circuit design.
[1]. J. C. Ahn, and N. Fujii, "Current-mode continuous-time filters using complementary current mirror
pairs", IEICE Trans Fundamentals, vol. E79-A, no.2, pp.168-175, 1996.
[2]. R. Angulo, M. Robinson, and E. S. Sinencio, "Current-mode continuous-time filters: two design approaches", IEEE Tran. On Circuits and Systems, vol. 39, no. 5, pp. 337-341, 1992. [3]. R. W. J. Barker, "Accuracy of current mirrors", IEE Colloquium on Current-mode Analogue Circuits, London, vol.25, paper 2, 1989. [4]. B. Gilbert "Wideband negative-current mirror", Electron Lett., vol.11, pp. 126-127, 1975. [5]. J. B. Hughes, N. C. Bird, and I. C. Macbeth, "Switched-current: a new technique for analogue sampleddata signal processing", IEEE Proc. ISCAS'89, pp. 1584-1587, 1989....
Sonal D. Raut, Ms. Prashasti Kanikar |
Information Extraction and Rule Prediction Using DiscoTEX | ||||||||||||
Text Mining is a process of deriving high quality information from the text. Text mining usually
involves processing of the unstructured document, extracting features from the document and storing it in the
database and finally using KDD techniques rules are evaluated. IE module is use to convert the corpus text into
a structured database from which rules are mined. This paper describes a system called DiscoTEX (Discovery
from Text Extraction) which integrates IE(information extraction) module with the KDD module. For
DiscoTEX an IE learning system Rapier (Robust Automated Production of Information Extraction Rules) is used which automatically creates the structured database. Text Mining, KDD, DiscoTEX, Rule Mining, Rule Induction, Information Extraction (IE).
[1]. Raymond J. Mooney and Un Yong Nahm, Department of Computer Sciences University of Texas, Text
Mining with Information Extraction, Proceedings of the 4th International MIDP Colloquium,
September 2003, Bloemfontein, South Africa, Daelemans, W., du Plessis, T., Snyman, C. and Teck, L.
(Eds.) pp.141-160, Van Schaik Pub., South Africa, 2005.
[2]. Un Yong Nahm, Raymond J. Mooney,Department of Computer Science, University of TEXAS, Using Information Extraction to Aid the Discovery of Prediction Rules from Text, Proceedings of the KDD(Knowledge Discovery in Databases)-2000Workshop on Text Mining, pp.51-58, Boston, MA, August 2000. [3]. Un Yong Nahm and Raymond J.Mooney Department of Computer Sciences The University of Texas at Austin, Using Soft-Matching Mined Rules to Improve Information Extraction [4]. C. Cardie and R. J. Mooney. Machine learning and natural language (Introduction to special issue on natural language learning). Machine Learning, 34:5–9, 1999. [5]. M. W. Berry, editor. Proceedings of the Third SIAM International Conference on Data Mining(SDM- 2003) Workshop on Text Mining, San Francisco, CA, May 2003.....
N.A. Astunkar, A.S. Bonde |
Effects of Carburizing on Wear Properties of Steels |
The present investigation is the over view of carburizing process and its effect on wear properties
various types alloy steels. Carburising is one of the process of surface hardening and sufficient toughness at the
core for increasing hardness over the surface of steel component so that wear resistance at the surface of steel
component of steel component can be improve. Aim of carburizing is to increasing carbon content in low
carbon steel at the surface. carburizing, hardening, wear, friction.
[1]. B. Selc¸uk, R. Ipek, M.B. Karamıs¸ A study on friction and wear behaviour of carburized,
carbonitrided and borided AISI 1020 and 5115 steels, Journal of Materials Processing Technology 141
(2003) 189–196
[2]. R. Ipek, B. Selcuk, The dry wear profile of cam shaft, Journal of Materials Processing Technology 168 (2005) 373–376 [3]. M. Preciado, P.M. Bravo, J.M. Alegre, Effect of low temperature tempering prior cryogenic treatment on carburized steels, Journal of Materials Processing Technology 176 (2006) 41–44 [4]. B. Selc,uk, R. Ipek, M.B. Karamis,, V. Kuzucu, An investigation on surface properties of treated low carbon and alloyed steels (boriding and carburizing) Journal of Materials Processing Technology103 (2000) 310-317 [5]. Boyel, D.O. Northwood, R.bowers, X. Sun, P.bauerle, The effects of initina microstructure and heat treatment on the core mechanical properties of carburized automotive steel, material forum volume 32- 2008..... |
Prof.Reena Pagare, Intekhab Naser, Vinod Pingale, Nayankumar Wathap |
Enhancing collaborative filtering in music recommender system by using context based approach | ||||||||||||
Recommender Systems analyse some user and item interactions to help users by recommending the
most relevant, feasible and appropriate items from a wide range and pool of items and resources. We propose to
enhance the collaborative filtering methodology in recommender systems by considering the content as well as
the context based approach towards recommendation. The rating of items and the contextual information of
users are expected to enhance the relevance constraint by taking into account the user's mood and activity
implicitly by using respective API's to capture and consider the contextual features of the user. The
methodology and technique of reduction based approach and user based rating prediction will be used to
accomplish the desired results for the proposed recommender system.
Recommender system, collaborative filtering, context.
[1] Ja-Hwung Su, Hsin-Ho Yeh, Philip S.Yu and Vincent S. Tseng, ―Music recommendation using
content and context information mining‖, IEEE Intelligent Systems, IEEE Computer Society, 2010. [5] Music recommendation service (2013).