Volume 10 - Issue 12

IJERD : Volume 10 - Issue 12

Version - 1 (December 2014)

P.Veena Kumari

A Study on Effect of Sizes of aggregates on Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete
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Plain, unreinforced concrete is a brittle material, with a low tensile strength, limited ductility and little resistance to cracking. In order to improve the inherent tensile strength of concrete there is a need of multidirectional and closely spaced reinforcement, which can be provided in the form of randomly distributed fibers. Steel fiber is one of the most commonly used fibers The present experimental study considers the effect of aggregate size and steel fibers on the modulus of elasticity of concrete. Crimped steel fibers at volume fraction of 0%.0.5%, 1.0% and 1.5% were used. Study on effect of volume fraction of fibers and change of aggregate size on the modulus of elasticity of concrete was also deemed as an important part of present experimental investigation. This work aims in studying the mechanical behavior of concrete in terms of modulus of elasticity with the change of aggregate size reinforced with steel fibers of different series for M30 and M50 grade concretes. The results obtained show that the addition of steel fiber improves the modulus of elasticity of concrete. It was also analyzed that by increasing the fiber volume fraction from 0%, to 1.5% there was a healthy effect on modulus of elasticity of Steel Fiber Reinforced concrete.
Tensile strength, steel fibers, fiber reinforced concrete, brittle material, cementitious material

[1]. Amin Abrishambaf, Joaquim A.O. Barros, EP, 2002."Effect of Steel Fiber Content on Properties of Concrete". Journal of Concrete/Beton, South Africa, No 102, pp. 8-12.

[2]. Vikrant . "Influence of Concrete and Fiber Characteristics on Behaviour of Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete under Direct Shear". ACI Materials Journal, 94-2012, No. 4, pp. 592-601.

[3]. A.M Shende et al. "Comparative Study on Steel Fiber Reinforced cum Control Concrete" International Journal of Advanced Engineering Sciences and Technologies Vol. No. 6, Issue No. 1, 116 – 120.

[4]. Osman Gencel et al. "Workability and Mechanical Performance of Steel Fiber-Reinforced Self- Compacting Concrete with Fly Ash" Composite Interfaces 18 (2011) 169–184.

[5]. Mohammed Alias Yusof et al., "Mechanical Properties of Hybrid Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete with Different Aspect Ratio." Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 5(7): 159-166, 2011

P.Veena Kumari "A Study on Effect of Sizes of aggregates on Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete" published at International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, Volume 10, Issue 12 (December 2014)
MID 1012.067X.0001. India
Page 01-06
ANED 06.067X/A10120106 aned
aned 067X-1012-0106


M.Arulmani, V.R.Hema Latha

SENTHAMIL AMMA!... (A New theory on "MUTHAMIL")

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This Scientific research article focus that the word "THAMIL" shall be considered as "SOUL" of Universe composed of fundamental particles for existence of all matters under equilibrium condition. The so called Muthamil, Kannithamil, Kodumthamil, Senthamil shall be considered as the "different souls" of Universe exist under varied environment condition in the expanding universe.
a) Philosophy of Muthamil?...
b) Philosophy of Kannithamil?...
c) Philosophy of Kodumthamil?..
d) Philosophy of Senthamil?...
e) Philosophy of Post vedic thamil?...
a) Intensive Internet "e-book" study through, Google search and wikipedia
b) M.Arulmani, "3G Akkanna Man", Annai Publications, Cholapuram, 2011
c) M. Arulmani; V.R. Hemalatha, "Tamil the Law of Universe", Annai Publications, Cholapuram, 2012
d) Harold Koontz, Heinz Weihriah, "Essentials of management", Tata McGraw-Hill publications, 2005
e) M. Arulmani; V.R. Hemalatha, "First Music and First Music Alphabet", Annai Publications, Cholapuram, 2012
M.Arulmani, V.R.Hema Latha "SENTHAMIL AMMA!... (A New theory on "MUTHAMIL")s" published at International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, Volume 10, Issue 12 (December 2014)
MID 1012.067X.0002. India
Page 07-15
ANED 06.067X/B10120715 aned
aned 067X-1012-0115


Naga Raju Kooluru and Sharada.S

Green synthesis of zinc oxide nano particles using flower extract cassia densistipulata taub.
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Green synthesis of metal nanoparticles is an interesting issue of the nanoscience and nanobiotechnology. There is a growing attention to biosynthesis the metal nanoparticles using organisms. Among these organisms, plants seem to be the best and they are suitable for large scale biosynthesis of nanoparticles. Nanoparticles produced by plants are more stable, and the rate of synthesis is faster than that in the case of other organisms. The present investigation was carried out to green synthesis of zinc oxide nanoparticles by using the medicinal plant cassia densistipulata taub. The flower was collected from the campus of Anantapuramu, Andhra Pradesh and their petals were separated. The petals were taken and cleaned with dimeneralized water and soaked for an hour on dry cloth to remove moisture from the petals. Synthesis of Zinc Nanoparticles was done by mixing 5gms of Zinc Nitrate with 50ml of aqueous extract of cassia densistipulata taub petals. The formation of nanoparticles was monitored by visualizing color changes and it was confirmed by Electron microscope (SEM), UV-Vis spectrophotometer and Fourier Transform Infra-Red (FT-IR) spectroscopy. The results of various techniques confirmed the presence Zinc oxide nanoparticles.
Cassia densistipulata taub, Zinc nitrate, UV-Vis spectrophotometer, SEM, FTIR.
[1]. H. Korbekandi., S. Iravani, and S. Abbasi, (2009), Production of nanoparticles using organisms production of nanoparticles using organisms, Critical Reviews in Biotechnology, 29:(4), 279–306.
[2]. Chandran SP, Chaudhary M, Pasricha R, Ahmad A, Sastry M. 2006, Synthesis of gold nanotriangles and silver nanoparticles using Aloe vera plant extract, Mar-Apr;22(2):577-83.
[3]. 13 th YABEC symposium held at Seoul, Korea, October 20–22, 2007.ACS Nano. 2009 Feb 24;3(2):279-90. doi: 10.1021/nn800596w, Biological synthesis of bimetallic Au/Ag nanoparticles using Persimmon (Diopyros kaki) leaf extract
[4]. P.V. Asha Rani., G.L.K. Mun., M.P. Hande and S. Valiyaveettil, (2009), Cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of silver nanoparticles in human cells. ACS Nano , 3:2, 279−290.
[5]. N. Jain., A. Bhargava., S. Majumdar and J. Panwar, (2011) Extracellular biosynthesis and characterization of silver nanoparticles using Aspergillus flavus NJP08: A mechanism prospective. Nanoscale, 3:2, 635−641.
Naga Raju Kooluru and Sharada.S "Green synthesis of zinc oxide nano particles using flower extract cassia densistipulata taub." published at International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, Volume 10, Issue 12 (December 2014)
MID 1012.067X.0003. India
Page 16-19
ANED 06.067X/C10121619 aned
aned 067X-1012-0119


Sreenu Babu Deyyala

An Experimental Study on Compressive Strength of Steel Fibre Reinforced High Strength Light Weight Aggregate (Pumice Stone) Concrete
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Steel fiber reinforced concrete (S F R C) is a composite material developed to reduce the brittleness of concrete and dramatically increases its ductility. Steel fiber reinforced concrete (S F R C) is used extensively to line the tunnels and other underground structures, to increase the thickness of pavements, and to repair and strengthen various structures. Increasing utilization of lightweight materials in structural applications is making pumice stone a very popular raw material. More than the target means strength of M 50 concrete is achieved with 10 percent and 20 percent replacement of natural coarse aggregate by pumice aggregate, silica fume and with 1% & 1.5 percent of fiber. The compressive strength of pumice concrete is seen to increase with the fiber content and reaches an optimum value at 1.5% of fiber content and afterwards it gets decreased for various contents of pumice.
Cube Compressive Strength, Light Weight Aggregate Concrete, Natural Pumice Stone, Steel Fibre
[1]. Banthia, N. and Trottier, J., "Concrete reinforced deformed steel fibbers, part 1: Bond-slip mechanisms‟, ACI Material Journal 91 (5) (1994) 435-446.
[2]. Compione, G., La Mendola L. and Miraglia, N., "Behaviour in compression of lightweight fiber reinforced concrete with pumice stone‟, (available only in Italian), Proceedings of National Congress Giomate AICAP 99, Tornio, Nov. 1999, 1-17-26.
[3]. Compione, G.,Mindess, S. and Zingone, G., "compressive stress-strain behavior of normal and highstrength Carbone- fiber concrete reinforced with steel spirals‟. ACI Materials Journal 96 (1) (1999) 27- 34.
[4]. Balguru, P. and Foden, A.,‟Properties of fiber reinforced structural lightweight concrete‟, ACI Structural Journal 93 (1) (1996) 62-77.
[5]. Balaguru, P.; and Ramakrishnan, V.‟ ‟Properties of lightweight fiber reinforced concrete‟, Fiber Reinforced concrete- Properties and applications, SP105, American Concrete Institute, Detroit, Michigan, 1987.pp. 305-322.
Sreenu Babu Deyyala "An Experimental Study on Compressive Strength of Steel Fibre Reinforced High Strength Light Weight Aggregate (Pumice Stone) Concrete" published at International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, Volume 10, Issue 12 (December 2014)
MID 1012.067X.0004. India
Page 20-24
ANED 06.067X/D10122024 aned
aned 067X-1012-0124


Anala M, Fathima Jabeen, Vikram Thakur

A Novel High Step-Up DC–DC Converter for Hybrid Renewable Energy System applied to Irrigation
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Large electric drives and utility applications require advanced power electronics converter to meet the high power demands. As a result, power converter structure has been introduced as an alternative in high power and medium voltage situations using Renewable energy sources (RES). This paper describes a new DC/DC converter with safety, high efficiency and high step up capabilities. This converter is best suited for Wind/Fuel cell(FC)based Induction Motor applications for pumping systems. The safety feature of this converter makes it friendly for the farmers to use it for irrigation and agriculture usages. The converter achieves high step-up voltage gain with appropriate duty ratio and low voltage stress on the power switches. Also, the energy stored in the leakage inductor of the coupled inductor can be recycled to the output. The maximum output voltage is determined by the number of the capacitors. The capacitors are charged in parallel and are discharged in series by the coupled inductor, stacking on the output capacitor. Thus, the proposed converter can achieve high step-up voltage gain with appropriate duty ratio and interfaced to induction motor through 9-level inverter and also energy fed to grid system when no load operation. The simulation results are obtained using MATLAB/SIMULINK software.
Coupled-inductor, high step-up voltage gain, switched capacitor, three phase inverter, gird connection.
[1]. Yi-Ping Hsieh, Jiann-Fuh Chen, Member, IEEE, Tsorng-Juu Liang, Senior Member, IEEE, and Lung- Sheng Yang Novel High Step-Up DC–DC Converter with Coupled-Inductor and Switched-Capacitor Techniques.
[2]. V. Scarpa, S. Buso, and G. Spiazzi, "Low-complexity MPPT technique exploiting the PV module MPP locus characterization,"IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 56, no. 5, pp. 1531–1538, May 2009.
[3]. C. L. Chen, Y. Wang, J. S. Lai, Y. S. Lee, and D. Martin, "Design of parallel inverters for smooth mode transfer microgrid applications,"IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 6–15, Jan. 2010.
[4]. A. Timbus, M. Liserre, R. Teodorescu, P. Rodriguez, and F. Blaabjerg, "Evaluation of current controllers for distributed power generation systems," IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 654–664, Mar. 2009.
[5]. R. J. Wai, C. Y. Lin, C. Y. Lin, R. Y. Duan, and Y. R. Chang, "Highefficiency power conversion system for kilowatt-level stand-alone generation unit with low input voltage,"IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 55, no. 10, pp. 3702–3714, Oct. 2008.
Anala M, Fathima Jabeen, Vikram Thakur "A Novel High Step-Up DC–DC Converter for Hybrid Renewable Energy System applied to Irrigation" published at International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, Volume 10, Issue 12 (December 2014)
MID 1012.067X.0005. India
Page 25-36
ANED 06.067X/E10122536 aned
aned 067X-1012-0136


B Anand, M Hemanth Sai

Power Loss Allocation in Deregulated Electricity Markets
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The restructuring of Electricity Supply Industry (ESI) all over the world thatstartedmainlyinthe 20th century introduces an open electricity marketfor trading electricity betweengenerators and suppliers in competitive environments. Market participants utilize thenetwork differently to maximize their profits. This transformation consists of two aspects that are related with each other; restructuring and privatization. However, dueto this change, some problems and challenges have risen. One of it is theissue of power losses allocation. When electrical power is transmitted throughanetwork, it will cause power losses. The generators must compensate this lossbygenerating more power. Under competitive electricity market environment, no generators would want to generate more to compensate this loss asit will increase their production cost. Logically both generators and consumers are supposed topayfor the losses because they both use the network and thus are responsible for the lossesincurred. If there is no specified method to handle this problem, there is a probability that the Independent System Operator (ISO) which is a non-profit entity and does not have source of income will be responsible for this losses. However, if ISO paid forthe losses, itis considered unfair. Thus, this analysis focuses on some existing allocating transmissionlosses.The selected methods are pro rata, postage stamp, and Current Adjustment Factor (CAF) and these methods have been tested using simple bus network and the IEEE standard 14 test bus system.
Individual system operator (ISO), Pro rata, post stampage, current adjustment factor (CAF), Restructuring.
[1]. K. L. Lo and Y. A. Alturki, "Towards reactive power markets. part 1: reactive power allocation," IEE Proc. Generation, Transmission and Distribution, vol. 153, no. 1, pp. 59–70, January 2006.
[2]. G. V. M. Pantos and F. Gubina, "Modified topological generation and load distribution factors," IEEE Trans. On Power Systems, vol. Accepted for future publication Volume PP, No. 99, pp. 1–8, 2005
[3]. J. Bialek, "Tracing the flow of electricity," IEE Proc. Generation, Transmission and Distribution, vol. 143, NO. 4, pp. 313–320, July 1996.
[4]. J. Bialek and P.A.Kattuman, "Proportional sharing assumption in tracing methodology," IEE Proc. Generation, Transmission and Distribution, vol. 151, NO. 4, pp. 526–532, July 2004.
[5]. A.Conejo, j.Arroyo, N.alguacil, and Guijarro, "Transmission loss allocation comparison of different practical algorithms", IEEE transactions on Power systems, vol.17, no.3, pp.571-576, August 2002.
B Anand, M Hemanth Sai "Power Loss Allocation in Deregulated Electricity Markets" published at International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, Volume 10, Issue 12 (December 2014)
MID 1012.067X.0006. India
Page 37-45
ANED 06.067X/F10123745 aned
aned 067X-1012-0145


Ch.Yaswanth, A.Vijayasri

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High Voltage Direct Current system based on voltage source converter (VSC-HVDC) is becoming more effective solution for offshore wind plants and supplying power to remote regions. In this paper, the control of a VSC-based HVDC system (VSC-HVDC) is described. Based on this control strategy, appropriate controllers utilizing PI controllers are designed to control the active and reactive power at each end station.The operation performance of a voltage source converter (VSC) based HVDC (VSC-HVDC system) system is explained under some characteristic faulted conditions with and without protection measures. A protection strategy is proposed to enhance the continuous operation performance of the VSC-HVDC system. The strategy utilizes a voltage chopper to suppress over-voltages on the DC side of the VSC. Digital simulation is done to verify the validity of the proposed control strategy and protection strategy.
Voltage source converter, VSC-HVDC system, Control strategies, Faults, Protection
[1]. Schettler F., Huang H., and Christl N. "HVDC transmission systems using voltage source converters – design and applications," IEEE Power Engineering Society Summer Meeting, July 2000.
[2]. Du, C. and E. Agneholm. Investigation of Frequency/Ac voltage control for inverter station of VSCHVDC. in Proc. 32nd IEEE Annual Conference on Industrial Electronics. 2007. Paris, France.
[3]. Bajracharaya, C., "Control of VSC-HVDC for wind power", M.Sc. thesis, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, June 2008.
[4]. Lie Xu, Andersen B. R.; Cartwright P., Control of VSC transmission systems under unbalanced network conditions, Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition, 7-12 Sept, 2003 IEEE PES, 2003, 2, pp. 626-632.
[5]. Modelling, Control design and Analysis of VSC based HVDC Transmission Systems. R. Padiyar and Nagesh Prabhu, 2004 international Conference on Power System Technology - POWERCON 2004 Singapore, 21-24 November 2004.
Ch.Yaswanth, A.Vijayasri "VSC BASED HVDC SYTEM DESIGN AND PROTECTION AGAINST OVER VOLTAGES" published at International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, Volume 10, Issue 12 (December 2014)
MID 1012.067X.0007. India
Page 46-57
ANED 06.067X/G10124657 aned
aned 067X-1012-0157


Jhansilakshmi., and E.U.B. Reddi.

Seasonal Variations in Physico-Chemical Parameter of Groundwater in Bhimavaram, Andhra Pradesh India
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Physico-chemical analysis of open well water samples was carried out from 10 sampling locations in Bhimavaram town during three seasons namely summer, rainy and winter of 2012-‟13 are presented. The quality analysis was made through the estimation of physico-chemical parameters such as pH, Turbidity, EC, TDS, Cl–, SO4 2–, NO3 –, PO4 3–, D.O, TH, Ca2+, Mg2+, F–, Na+, K+ and BOD. Each parameter was compared with its standard permissible limit as prescribed by World Health Organization (WHO) and BIS standard to assess the suitability of drinking and domestic purposes. The analytical results of groundwater samples shows that that certain parameters namely PH, D.O and Fluoride were found within the desirable limits by BIS. However, Turbidity, EC, TH, TDS, BOD, Chloride, Sulphate, Phosphate, Nitrate, Sodium, Potassium, Calcium, were exceding the desirable limit throughout the investigation period in all locations.The results of analysis reveal that the ground water of the area was not suitable for human consumption and domestic use due to the influence saltwater intrusion, sewage, Industrial effluents and high urban concentration are the probable sources for the variation of water quality in the study area.
Physicochemical parameters, open well water, Industrial effluents.

[1]. APHA, (1998): Standard Methods for Examination of Water and Wastewater.(16th edition). American Water works Association. And Water Pollution Control Federation. American Public Health Association. pp. 80-115.
[2]. Achuthan, Nair, G., Mohammad.A.I. and Fadiel. M. M. (2005): Physico–Chemical parameters and correlation coefficients of groundwater of North-East Libya .Poll .Res. 24(1):1-6.

[3]. Asadi, S.S., Vuppala, P., and Reddy, M.A. (2007).Remote sensing and GIS techniques for evaluation of ground water quality in municipal corporation of Hyderabad (Zone-V), India. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 4(1), 45-52

[4]. Bishnoi, M. and Malik, R., (2008): "Groundwater quality in environmentally degraded localities of Panipat city, India", Journal of Environmental Biology. Volume 29, No.6, pp. 881-886.
[5]. Bolaji T A, Tse CA (2009). Spatial variation in groundwater geochemistry and water quality index inportHardcourt. Scientia Africana, 8(1): 34-155.

Jhansilakshmi., and E.U.B. Reddi. "Seasonal Variations in Physico-Chemical Parameter of Groundwater in Bhimavaram, Andhra Pradesh India" published at International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, Volume 10, Issue 12 (December 2014)
MID 1012.067X.0008. India
Page 58-65
ANED 06.067X/H10125865 aned
aned 067X-1012-0165


Sharda P. Jadhav, Prof.M.S.Biradar

Fabric Defect Detection by using Neural Network technique

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This paper proposes a method for fabric defect detection based on neural network. The global market for textile industry is highly competitive nowadays. Neural network is widely used to extract features from images for texture segmentation. The proposed scheme involves two challenging problem .i.e. defect detection and defect classification. Scene analysis and feature selection play an important role in classification process. The complexity of the subsequent steps increases and the classification task becomes hard by selecting an inappropriate feature set. So possibly an appropriate set of geometric features is taken into account in order to address the problem of neural network-based textile defect classification. Statistical approach is used to extract the features.
Fabric Defect, Defect Detection, Neural network, Feature Extraction.
[1]. A. Kumar, "Neural network based detection of local textile defects," Pattern Recognition, vol. 36, no. 7, pp. 1645–1659, 2003
[2]. D. Anderson and G. McNeill, "Artificial Neural Networks Technology," Contract Report, for Rome Laboratory, contract no. F30602-89-C-0082, August 1992.
[3]. Y. Shu and Z. Tan, "Fabric Defects Automatic Detection Using Gabor Filters," World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA 2004), Hangzhou, China, vol. 4, pp. 3378 – 3380, June 2004.
[4]. M. Salahudin and M. Rokonuzzaman, "Adaptive Segmentation of Knit Fabric Images for Automated Defect Detection in Semi-structured Environments," Proceedings of the 8th ICCIT, pp. 255-260, 2005.
[5]. W. Jasper, J. Joines, and J. Brenzovich, "Fabric Defect Detection Using a Genetic Algorithm Tuned Wavelet Filter," Journal of the Textile Institute, vol. 96, Issue 1, pp. 43 – 54, January 2005
Sharda P. Jadhav, Prof.M.S.Biradar "Fabric Defect Detection by using Neural Network technique" published at International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, Volume 10, Issue 12 (December 2014)
MID 1012.067X.0009. India
Page 66-72
ANED 06.067X/I10126672 aned
aned 067X-1012-0172


Chinenye A. Chidolue, Chukwura H. Aginam, Uchenna Anyaoh

Contributions of the Weakness of Local Aggregates to the Failure of Buildings in Anambra State of Nigeria

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There appears to be an increase in the frequency of building collapse in Nigeria, especially in Anambra state where the Governor recently opened what is widely believed to be the first building and construction materials quality control laboratory in Nigeria. This was to ensure that substandard materials are not used in construction. This paper investigated the contributions of the weakness of substandard local broken stone aggregates (commonly used in the study area as a substitute for granite chippings) to the incessant collapse of buildings. Using a 1 1:1 : 3 2 concrete mix ratio, concrete cubes containing various percentage replacements of granite chippings with broken stone aggregates were cast and tested. It was found that the use of washed broken stone aggregates in place of granite chippings lowered the strength of the concrete member by 12.50%, while unwashed local broken stone aggregates contributed to the weakness of the concrete member by as much as 28% of the design strength. It was therefore concluded that if washed broken stone aggregates are to be used in buildings as replacement for crushed granite chippings, richer mix proportions would be required to attain the same concrete strength as that of granite chipping concrete. The study also revealed that impurities in the particular local broken stone aggregates accounted for about 16% of the weakness of the concrete member where they are used.
Aggregates, Anambra State, building failure, concrete, compressive strength
[1]. Opara, P. N. (2007),Building failures and collapses: A case study of Portharcourt , Nigeria. Journal of Technology and Education in Nigeria, vol 12, No 1, PP 35-39
[2]. Umeora, Chukwunonso Obiefuna, 2013, The incidence of building collapse and emergency management in Nigeria. Journal of environmental sciences and resources management, Vol. 5, No.2, pp 73-79 http/www.obaze2014.com. Four dies as building collapses in Nigeria., (2014) Sun website (online). Available: http/www/sononline.com/new/p
[3]. Aginam, C. H., Chidolue, C. A., and Nwakire, C., 2013, Investigating the effects of coarse aggregate types on the compressive strength of concrete. International journal of engineering research and applications, Vol. 3, Issue 4, pp 1140-1144
[4]. Salihu, A.Y.(2011), Importance of concrete mix design quality control measure. Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Centresin publication, pp 436-444.
[5]. Ayininuola, G. M. and Olalusi O.O. ,2004, Assessment of building failures in Nigeria: Lagos and Ibadan as a case study. African Journal of Sciences and Technology, Vol. 5 issue1, pp73-78.
Chinenye A. Chidolue, Chukwura H. Aginam, Uchenna Anyaoh "Contributions of the Weakness of Local Aggregates to the Failure of Buildings in Anambra State of Nigeria" published at International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, Volume 10, Issue 12 (December 2014)
MID 1012.067X.0010. Nigeria
Page 73-78
ANED 06.067X/J10127378 aned
aned 067X-1012-0178

Version - 2 (December 2014)


Israt Jahan, Mohammad Zahidur Rahman, Liton Jude Rozario, Kaafi Mahmud Sarker

Divisible Transferable Anonymous Electronic Cash System for General Use
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In this paper we propose an elegant and unique divisible transferable anonymous electronic cash system with observer. The proposed divisible e-cash solves most of the crucial problems with existing paper cash and untraceable e-cash proposals. Electronic cash provides unconditional anonymity to the user. Researchers observed, however, that if anonymity in payment system is unconditional, it might be exploited to facilitate crimes like money laundering. This observation spurred research into the idea of making anonymity in payment systems conditional, and, in particular, revocable by a third party or trustee or observer under bank's order. The idea of having an observer is that it can be incorporated in the wallet in such a way that no user module can do a transaction on its own. For any transaction protocol to be executed by the wallet, it needs help (a secret information) from the observer i.e. the wallet and the observer must confirm mutually when they work together. The advantage of the proposed electronic cash system is that it is able to construct an observer capable of cooperating with divisible and transferable e-cash. Due to the presence of observer, the proposed e-cash has prior resistance of double spending. In each transfer of divisible e-cash, coin authentication and denomination revelation is checked to verify the validity of divisible e-cash. In any stage of coin transfer, the anonymity is guaranteed with protection of double spending.
Binary tree, Blending technique, Smartcard, Java card, Observer.
[1] Jiangxiao Zhang, Zhoujun Li, Hua Guo, Chang Xu, "Efficient Divisible E-Cash in the Standard Model", Green Computing and Communications (GreenCom), 2013 IEEE and Internet of Things (iThings/ CPSCom), IEEE International Conference on and IEEE Cyber, Physical and Social Computing, pp. 2123-2128, August 2013.
[2] Cong Wang, Hongxiang Sun, Hua Zhang, Zhengping Jin, " An Improved Off-Line Electronic Cash Scheme", Computational and Information Sciences (ICCIS), 2013 Fifth International Conference, pp. 438-441, June 2013.
[3] Bin Lian, "A provably secure and practical fair E-cash scheme", IEEE International Conference on Information Theory and Information Security (ICITIS), pp. 251-255, December 2010.
[4] Kamlesh Tiwari, "Transferable E-Cash Without Observer", A Thesis for Master of Technology, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, July 2009.
[5] L. Wen-yuan, L. Yong-an, S. Ya-li, W. Bao-wen and L. Feng, "Offline divisible e-cash scheme based on smart card", in Eighth ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking, and Parallel/Distributed Computing, pp. 799-804, IEEE, 2007.
Israt Jahan, Mohammad Zahidur Rahman, Liton Jude Rozario, Kaafi Mahmud Sarker "Divisible Transferable Anonymous Electronic Cash System for General Use" published at International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, Volume 10, Issue 12 (December 2014)
MID 1012.067X.0001. Bangladesh
Page 01-12
ANED 06.067X/A10120112 aned
aned 067X-1012-0212

Jagdish J. Rathod, Prof. Amit. M. Lathigra

A Survey of various Methods of Preventing and Detecting Attacks on AODV-based MANET
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Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) is constructed from a collection of nodes that can move anywhere and anytime in different areas without any infrastructure that means MANET is infrastructure less. Each node works at the same time as router and host. Lack of a fixed infrastructure, wireless medium and dynamic topology makes MANET vulnerable to different kinds of attacks like Gray hole and Black hole. In this paper, we investigate different mechanisms that have designed to detect or prevent black or gray hole attacks in AODV protocol. We discuss about advantages and disadvantages of the different methods.
MANETs, Security, Attacks, Gray hole Attack, Black hole Attack, AODV.
[1]. Deepali Raut, Kapil Hande "Detection and Prevention of Gray Hole and Black Hole Attack in MANET", IJCA 2014.
[2]. Deepali A. Lokare, A.M Kanthe, Dina Simunic" Cooperative Gray Hole Attack Discovery and Elimination using Credit based Technique in MANET", IJCA 2014.
[3]. C. Siva Ram Murthy, B.S. Manoj, "Ad Hoc Wireless Networks : Architectures and Protocols", Prentice Hall PTR, May 2004, New Jersey, USA
[4]. Pankaj Rohal, Ruchika Dahiya, Prashant Dahiya "Study and Analysis of Throughput, Delay and Packet Delivery Ratio in MANET for Topology Based Routing Protocols (AODV, DS and DSDV)", IJARET March 2013.
[5]. Ira Nath ,Dr. Rituparna Chaki "BHAPSC: A New Black Hole Attack Prevention System in Clustered MANET", IJARCSSE 2012.
Jagdish J. Rathod, Prof. Amit. M. Lathigra "A Survey of various Methods of Preventing and Detecting Attacks on AODV-based MANET" published at International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, Volume 10, Issue 12 (December 2014)
MID 1012.067X.0002. India
Page 13-18
ANED 06.067X/B10121318 aned
aned 067X-1012-0218

M.Arulmani, V.R.Hema Latha

THE LAW OF LYRICS?... (A New theory on "LALITHAM")
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"LYRIC POEM" shall mean …
i) Poem sung for Money?...
ii) Poem sung for Award?...
iii) Poem sung for Business?...
No… No … No…

This scientific research article focus that the human ancestors who lived in "White planet" (White
mars) in the early universe consider have sung songs for the following purpose.
i) Songs sung for translating meaning of "LIFE"
ii) Songs sung for strengthening "HUMAN VALUE"
iii) Songs sung for promoting "PEACE"

Tensile strength, steel fibers, fiber reinforced concrete, brittle material, cementitious material
a) Philosophy of POEM?...
b) Philosophy of LYRIC?...
c) Philosophy of SONG?...
d) Philosophy of EPIC?...
e) Philosophy of POET?...
f) Philosophy of LYRICIST?...
M.Arulmani, V.R.Hema Latha "THE LAW OF LYRICS?... (A New theory on "LALITHAM")" published at International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, Volume 10, Issue 12 (December 2014)
MID 1012.067X.0003. India
Page 19-28
ANED 06.067X/C10121928 aned
aned 067X-1012-0228

Kaustubh Dilip Patil, Prof. Firoj Umraobhai Pathan, Prof. Sunil M. Mahajan, Prof. D. R. Satpute.

Alternative Fuel Public Transport Buses
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The paper objective is to develop an analytical framework that will give us more insight into the trends in emissions standards as well as technology development, and eventually translate these insights into a sound investment decision making strategy. Public transport buses are high usage vehicles that operate in heavily congested areas where air quality improvements and reductions in public exposure to harmful air contaminants are critical. As such, they are good candidates for achieving both near-term and long-term emission reductions. Cleaner and less polluting public transport buses based on alternative fuels are of paramount importance if cities are to attain their ambitious emissions reduction targets. Decision making for the investment in alternative fuel buses is dependent on future technological development and emissions standards, and it is difficult, given the uncertainty in regards to both these factors.
[1]. AATA. 2002. Alternative fuels, emissions & technology. White paper. Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor Transportation Authority. Bauer, C. G., and T. W. Forest. 2001. Effect of hydrogen addition on the performance of methane-fueled vehicles. Part I: Effect on S.I. engine performance.
[2]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 26(1): 55-70.
[3]. Bauer, J. M., and P. M. Herder. 2009. Designing Socio-Technical Systems. Handbook of the Philosophy of Science. Meijers, Elsevier. BP. 2002. Diesel engine emissions. www.bp.com.au/fuelnews.
[4]. Clark, N. N., and F. Zhen et al. 2007. Transit Bus Life Cycle Cost and Year 2007 Emissions Estimation.
[5]. Washington, D.C., U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Transit Administration. CleanAirNet. Advanced diesel bus. Clean Air Initiative. Cohen, J. T. 2005. Diesel vs. compressed natural gas for school buses: A cost-effectiveness evaluation of alternative fuels. Energy Policy 33(13): 1709-1722.
Kaustubh Dilip Patil, Prof. Firoj Umraobhai Pathan, Prof. Sunil M. Mahajan, Prof. D. R. Satpute. "Alternative Fuel Public Transport Buses" published at International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, Volume 10, Issue 12 (December 2014)
MID 1012.067X.0004. India
Page 29-35
ANED 06.067X/D10122935 aned
aned 067X-1012-0235

Hemali M. Bhalodiya, Sunera Kargathara, Mohit Meghani

A Survey on Secure Hierarchical LEACH Protocol over Wireless Sensor Network
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Wireless Sensor Network contain number of nodes. Lifetime of Sensor nodes depend on their battery power, which cannot be reenergize. Thus, to save the node energy & lifetime of the Network energy efficient LEACH protocol is introduced. Wireless sensor networks are facing many experiments such as the partial source in processing power, storage and energy. The inadequate energy source is one of the main tasks facing the security in such networks. LEACH doesn't shield the safety harms. So we want to improve security scenario of Secure LEACH protocol. Hierarchical or cluster base routing protocol for WSNs is the most energy-efficient among other routing protocols. This paper shows different security mechanism used in LEACH protocol. This all protocol is based on Hierarchical routing protocol. This paper shows basic scenario of security in LEACH.
Wireless Sensor Network, LEACH, attacks, sensor security, cryptography
[1]. Muneer Alshowkan, Khaled Elleithy, Hussain AlHassan, "LS-LEACH: A New Secure and Energy Efficient Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks", in Distributed Simulation and Real Time Application, pages 215-220, IEEE International Symposium, 2013.
[2]. Meenakshi Tripathi, M.S.Gaur, V.Laxmi, "Comparing the Impact of Black Hole and Gray Hole Attack on LEACH in WSN", in 8th International Symposium on Intelligent System Techniques for Ad Hoc and WSN, pages 1101-1107, 2013.
[3]. Meena Malik, Dr. Yudhvir Singh, Anshu Arora, "Analysis of LEACH protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks", in international journal of Advanced Research in computer science and Software Engineering, Volume 3, Issue 2, pages 178-183, 2013.
[4]. Mohammad Masdari, Sadegh Mohammadzadeh Bazarchi, Moazam Bidaki, "Analysis of Secure LEACH-Based Clustering Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks", in journal of network and computer application, Elsevier, pages 1243-1260, 2013.
[5]. Mona El_Saadawy, Eman Shaaban, "Enhancing S-LEACH Security for Wireless Sensor Networks", in Electro/Information Technology (EIT), IEEE conference, pages 1-6, 2012.
Hemali M. Bhalodiya, Sunera Kargathara, Mohit Meghani "A Survey on Secure Hierarchical LEACH Protocol over Wireless Sensor Network" published at International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, Volume 10, Issue 12 (December 2014)
MID 1012.067X.0005. India
Page 36-41
ANED 06.067X/E10123641 aned
aned 067X-1012-0241

Sabah Obaid Hamad Al-Shujairi

Developing of Water Resources Quality Monitoring Program Implemented by Environmental Ministry- Iraq
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Evaluating effectiveness of monitoring program is important element in reviewing loop to improve program performance and program development. In this study, the water resource monitoring program implemented by ministry of environment have been evaluated to address strengthens and weakness points. Program has evaluated against monitoring objectives, monitoring parameters, regulatory compliance, data product, and institutional and human competence. Evolving monitoring program has been required to overcome some hampered such as unclear objectives, limited parameters, Lacks in quality control procedures and quality assurance procedures, absence of data analysis and management, and shortage of specialized expertise. The program have many of the strengths factors that can be built on such as it have institutional structure and good hierarchy, the human resources, a lot of equipment and laboratory facilities with good capabilities, accumulated experience, historical data on general water quality parameters which gives an overview of the pollution sources and water quality. It's important to develop water resources monitoring program in the light of the national strategy of environment adopted by ministry of environment and based on principle concepts and approaches such as integrated water resource quality management, design on catchment context, inclusion of biotic indicator, aquatic ecological health approach, and data product to support decision making.
Evaluation, monitoring program, parameters, water resource, water quality, water management.
[1]. MoE, "The National Environmental Strategy and Action Plan for Iraq 2013 – 2017), Iraq, 2013.
[2]. UN, " Strategies for monitoring and assessment of transboundary rivers, lakes and groundwaters", New York and Geneva, 2006.
[3]. Nova Scotia Salmon Association, " Walking the river- a citizen's guide to interpreting water quality data", April version, 2014.
[4]. Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, " A Strategy for Monitoring Oregon's Waters", DEQ Laboratory Division- Watershed Assessment Section, September 2005.
[5]. EPA, " An Introduction to Water Quality Monitoring",
Sabah Obaid Hamad Al-Shujairi "Developing of Water Resources Quality Monitoring Program Implemented by Environmental Ministry- Iraq" published at International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, Volume 10, Issue 12 (December 2014)
MID 1012.067X.0006. Iraq
Page 42-46
ANED 06.067X/F10124246 aned
aned 067X-1012-0246

S.Suresh Kumar, N.Sathish, J. Allen Jeffrey, R.Mohan

Effect of PVD Coating and Carburizing on Wear Characteristics of Low Carbon Steel
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Wear is a relative cyclic motion with small amplitude which occurs between two oscillating surfaces, depending upon the loading conditions, material properties and environment. Surface Engineering such as surface treatment, coating and surface modifications are employed to minimise the friction and improve wear resistance of steel. In this work the low carbon steel substrate is coated with Al2O3 by using physical vapour deposition process and the other sampling material is heat treated by carburizing process. In the present study, the wear resistance of heat treated and coated steels were evaluated through the pin-on-disk using variable loads and wear is measured by the wear track width and wear graphs are shown for coated material and heat treated material. Finally, the comparison is concluded by observing the variations in wear characteristics between the two samples. Furthermore morphological study of wear is made for in-depth analysis.
Carburizing, Microhardness, PVD Coating, Sliding Speed, Wear Graph, Wear Morphology.
[1]. J.L. Mo, M.H.Zhu "Tribological oxidation behavior of PVD hard coating", Tribology International, 42 (2009) 1758-1764.
[2]. Battison "Tribological behavior of electrodeposited ZnNi–Ni,Cd and Cd–Ti coatings on low carbon steel substrates". Tribology International 56 (2012) 107–120.
[3]. Mattias Berger, Sture Hogmark. "Tribological properties of selected pvd coatings when slid against ductile materials". Wear 252(2002) 557–565.
[4]. Y. Sun, T. Bell "Dry sliding wear resistance of low temperature plasma carburized austenitic stainless steel". Wear 253 (2002) 689–693.
[5]. Shiv Kumar, Ashish Bhattacharyya, Dipak Kumar Mondal, Koushik Biswas, Joydeep "Dry sliding wear behaviour of medium carbon steel against an alumina disk"Wear 270 (2011) 413–421.
S.Suresh Kumar, N.Sathish, J. Allen Jeffrey, R.Mohan "Effect of PVD Coating and Carburizing on Wear Characteristics of Low Carbon Steel" published at International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, Volume 10, Issue 12 (December 2014)
MID 1012.067X.0007. India
Page 47-51
ANED 06.067X/G10124751 aned
aned 067X-1012-0251

Govada Panduranga Ganesh, Arjuna Rao A

Super-Capacitor Energy Storage of DFIG Wind Turbines with Fuzzy Controller
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With the advance in wind turbine technologies, the cost of wind energy becomes competitive with other fuel-based generation resources. Due to the price hike of the fossil fuels and the concern of the global warming, the development of wind power has rapidly progressed over the last decade. Many countries have set goal for high penetration levels of wind generations. Recently, several large-scale wind generation projects have been implemented all over the world. It is economically beneficial to integrate very large amounts of wind capacity in power systems. Unlike other traditional generation facilities, using wind turbines present technical challenges in producing continuous and controllable electric power. With increase in contribution of wind power into electric power grid, energy storage devices will be required to dynamically match the intermitting of wind energy. When wind turbines are connected to a grid, they should always maintain constant power. In order to maintain constant active power, the use of Doubly-Fed Induction Generators (DFIG) with Energy Storage System (ESS) like super capacitor (or) batteries can be used, with a two layer control scheme. In the two layers control there is a high-layer controller known as Wind Farm Supervisory Control (WFSC), which generates the active power (P), Stator Power (Ps), Energy storage power (Pe), DC voltage (Vdc) etc., references for the lowlayer WTG controllers. The low-layer controller has two different controls i.e., Grid side controller (GSC) and Rotor side controller (RSC) which are used to control the AC/DC/AC converters of DFIG wind turbines and to generate the desired active power demand specified by the grid operator. Simulation is carried out in Matlab to evaluate the performance of wind farm equipped with 15 DFIG wind turbines with and without ESS to provide a constant active power of 36MW.
Constant power controls (CPC), doubly fed induction generator (DFIG), FUZZY control, energy storage,supervisory controller, wind turbine.
[1]. ―Focus on 2030: EWEA aims for 22% of Europe's electricity by 2030,‖Wind Directions, pp. 25–34, Nov./Dec. 2006.
[2]. 20% Wind Energy By 2030: Increasing Wind Energy's Contribution toU.S. Electricity Supply, U.S. Department of Energy, Jul. 2008.
[3]. W. Qiao and R. G. Harley, ―Grid connection requirements and solutionsfor DFIG wind turbines,‖ in Proc. IEEE Energy Conf., Atlanta, GA, Nov. 17–18, 2008, pp. 1–8.
[4]. Wind Generation & Total Load in the BPA Balancing Authority: DOEBonneville Power Administration, U.S. Department of Energy. [Online].Available:
[5]. R. Piwko, D. Osborn, R. Gramlich, G. Jordan, D. Hawkins, and K. Porter,―Wind energy delivery issues: Transmission planning and competitiveelectricity market operation,‖ IEEE Power Energy
Mag., vol. 3, no. 6,pp. 47–56, Nov./Dec. 2005.
Govada Panduranga Ganesh, Arjuna Rao A, "Super-Capacitor Energy Storage of DFIG Wind Turbines with Fuzzy Controller" published at International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, Volume 10, Issue 12 (December 2014)
MID 1012.067X.0008. India
Page 52-66
ANED 06.067X/H10125266 aned
aned 067X-1012-0266

Hina Asari, Rajendra Patel, Hitesh Ghadiya

A Survey of Different Approaches for Differentiating Bit Error and Congestion Error
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TCP provides reliable wireless communication. The packet loss occurs in wireless network during the data transmission and these losses are always classified as congestion losses. While Packet is also lost due to random bit error. But traditional TCP always consider as packet is lost due to congestion and reduce it congestion window. Thus, TCP gives poor performance in wireless link. Many TCP variants have been proposed for congestion control but they cannot distinguish error either due to congestion or due to bit error thus it reduces congestion window every time but when there is a bit error then no need to reduce the transmission rate. In this survey the general approaches taken for differentiating congestion or bit error has been discussed.
Congestion Control, Random Bit error, TCP Variants, Throughput, Congestion Window.
[1] W. Boulevard, and A. Way, "Transmission Control Protocol", RFC 793, September 1981
[2] V. Jacobson and M. J. Karels, "Congestion avoidance and control", In ACM Computer Communication Review; Proceedings of the Sigcomm‟88 Symposium, volume 18, pages 314–329, Stanford, CA, USA, August 1988.
[3] Hanaa A. Torkey, Gamal M. Attiya and I. Z. Morsi, "Performance Evaluation of End-to-End Congestion Control Protocols", Menoufia journal of Electronic Engineering Research (MJEER), Vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 99- 118, July 2008.
[4] Prasanthi Sreekumari and Meejeong Lee, "TCP NRT: a new TCP algorithm for differentiating noncongestion
retransmission timeouts over multihop wireless networks", EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2013
[5] Prasanthi Sreekumari and Sang-Hwa Chung, "TCP NCE: A unified solution for non-congestion events to improve the performance of TCP over wireless networks ", EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2011
Hina Asari, Rajendra Patel, Hitesh Ghadiya "A Survey of Different Approaches for Differentiating Bit Error and Congestion Error" published at International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, Volume 10, Issue 12 (December 2014)
MID 1012.067X.0009. India
Page 67-71
ANED 06.067X/I10126771 aned
aned 067X-1012-0271

Dipali Sheth, Sunera Kargathara, Sunil Lavadiya

Review on Detection & Prevention Methods for Black Hole Attack on AODV based MANETs
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Dynamic nature of Mobile Ad-hoc networks (MANET) challenges the quality of service (QoS) because route failure probability is increased in MANET due to the mobility of nodes. Lack of fixed infrastructure, wireless shared medium and dynamic topology makes MANET prone to different types of attacks. Ad-hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV) routing protocol in MANETs which is vulnerable to a variety of security threats in ad-hoc networks. Black hole attack is an attack that drop considerable number of packet by performing packet forwarding misbehaviour and violate the security to cause Denial-of-Service (DoS) in Mobile Ad-hoc networks (MANET). In this paper we investigate different mechanism to detect and prevent black hole attack in AODV protocol. We also discuss about advantages and disadvantages of the methods.
MANETs, AODV, DoS Attacks, Black hole Attack.
[1]. Marti, S., Giuli, T. J., Lai, K., and Baker, M. 2000. " Mitigating routing misbehavior in mobile ad hoc networks", In Proceedings of the 6th Annual International Conference on MOBICOM, Boston, Massachusetts, United States, 255-265.
[2]. Agrawal, P., Ghosh, R. K., and Das, S. K. 2008. "Cooperative black and gray hole attacks in mobile ad hoc networks". In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication, Suwon, Korea, 310-314.
[3]. Ramaswamy, S., Fu, H., Sreekantaradhya, M., Dixon, j., and Nygard, K. 2003. "Prevention of cooperative black hole attack in wireless ad hoc networks". In Proceedings of the International Conference on Wireless Networks.
[4]. Yang, H., Shu, J., Meng, X., and Lu, S. 2006. SCAN: "Self-organized network-layer security in mobile ad hoc networks", J. IEEE Selected Areas in Comm. Vol. 24, No. 2 (Feb. 2006), 261-273.
[5]. RUTVIJ H. JHAVERI, SANKITA J. PATEL, DEVESH C. JINWALA, "Improving Route Discovery for AODV to Prevent Black hole and Grayhole Attacks in MANETs", INFOCOMP, v. 11, no. 1, p. 01- 12, March-2012.
Dipali Sheth, Sunera Kargathara, Sunil Lavadiya "Review on Detection & Prevention Methods for Black Hole Attack on AODV based MANETs" published at International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, Volume 10, Issue 12 (December 2014)
MID 1012.067X.0010. India
Page 72-77
ANED 06.067X/J10127277 aned
aned 067X-1012-0277

Version - 3 (December 2014)


T.G.S Kiran, M.K.M.V Ratnam

Fly Ash as a Partial Replacement of Cement in Concrete and Durability Study of Fly Ash in Acidic (H2so4) Environment
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Cement production gives rise to CO2emissions generated by the calcinations of CaCo3 and by the fossil, being responsible for about 5% of the Co2 emissions in the world. This can be substantially reduced if cement replacement materials such as a fly ash are used Within the frame work of a comprehensive research concerning this residual of coal industries, studied some durability characteristics of concretes made with Fly ash. In this project report the results of the tests carried out on Sulphate attack on concrete cubes in water curing along with H2SO4 solution. Also, aiming the use of fly-ash as cement replacement. The present experimental investigation were carried on fly ash and has been chemically and physically characterized, and partially replaced in the ratio of 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% by weight of cement in concrete. Fresh concrete tests like compaction factor test was hardened concrete tests like compressive Strength at the age of 28 days, 60 days, 90 days was obtained and also durability aspect of fly ash concrete for sulphates attack was tested. The result indicates that fly ash improves concrete durability.
[1]. A.H.L.Swaroop, K. Venkateswara Rao, P. Kodandaramarao (2013) - "Durability stuties on concrete with Fly-ash& Ggbs" International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications Vol.3, pp. 258- 289 ISSN: 2248 – 9622.
[2]. Alvin Harison, Vikas Srivastava and Arpan Herbent (2014) - "Effect of Fly-ash on Compressive Strength of Portland Pozzolona Cement Concrete" Journal of Academia and Industrial Research, Vol. 2, ISSN:2278-5213.
[3]. Aman Jatale, Kartiey Tiwari, Sahil Khandelwal (2013) - "Effects on Compressive Strength When Cement is Partially Replaced by Fly Ash" IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering, e-ISSN 2278-1684, Vol. 5, pp 34-43.
[4]. Arivazhagan K et al. (2011) – "Effect of Coal Fly-ash on Agricultural Crops: Showcase project on use of fly-ash in agriculture in and around Thermal Power Station Areas of National Thermal Power Corporation Ltd., India", World of coal fly-ash (WOCA) Conference, May 9-12, in Denver CO USA).
[5]. Arunakanthi E, H. Sudarsana Rao (2013) - "Effects of Sulphuric Acid in Mixing and Curing Water on Strength of High-Performance Metakaolin Concrete", International Journal of Scientific Research, ISSN No 2277-8179, Vol.2, pp. 146-150.
T.G.S Kiran, M.K.M.V Ratnam "Fly Ash as a Partial Replacement of Cement in Concrete and Durability Study of Fly Ash in Acidic (H2so4) Environment" published at International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, Volume 10, Issue 12 (December 2014)
MID 1012.067X.0001. India
Page 01-13
ANED 06.067X/A10120113 aned
aned 067X-1012-0313

Ojoawo A. O., Fagbolu O.O., Olaniyan A.S., Sonubi T.A.

Data Leak Protection Using Text Mining and Social Network Analysis
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Data Leak prevention is a research field which deals with study of potential security threats to organizational data and strategies to prevent such threats. Data leaks involve the release of sensitive information to an untrusted third party, intentionally or otherwise while data loss on the other hand is disappearance or damage of data, inwhich a correct data copy isno longer available to the organization.Thesecorrespond toa compromise of data integrity oravailability. Data leak/loss has led to huge loss of revenue in the affected organisation and a threat to their continued existence. All organisations using electronic data storage are vulnerable to this attack. This research work is targeted at organisations with sensitive datasuch as Bank, Manufacturing industries, GSM operators, research centres, Military, Higher Educational Institutions and so on.The authorsanalyse the possible threats to organisational data and the parties that are involved in such threat, the impact of successful attack on an organisation,and current approaches to DLP.The authorsalso design a DLP modelusing "text mining" and "social network analysis", and suggested further research into "text mining" and "social network analysis"for effective future solution to DLP problems.In conclusion, implementation of this design with adherence to good data security practices and proactive strategies suggested in thispaper will significantly reduce the risk of such security threats.
Malicious hacking, cyber-attack, malware, thin-client, data repository, collaboration
[1]. Information Technologies Promotion Agency (2011),"10 Major Security Threats- Attacks are fast evolving...Is your security good enough?"Information-Technology Promotion Agency,Tokyo.
[2]. J. White and D. Thompson, 2006, "Using synthetic decoys to digitally watermarkpersonally-
[3]. identifying data and to promote data security," 2006International Conference on Security and Management, pp. 91–99.
[4]. J. Diesner, T. L. Frantz, and K. M. Carley, 2005 ,"Communicationnetworks from the enron email corpus "it‟s always about thepeople. enron is no different"," Comput. Math. Organ. Theory,vol. 11, pp. 201–228.
[5]. Lars Bruckner, Jan Steffan, Wesley Terpstra, Uwe Wilhelm, (2005) "Active Data Protection with Data Journals", GI-proceedings, Darmstadt pp. 269
Ojoawo A. O., Fagbolu O.O., Olaniyan A.S., Sonubi T.A. "Data Leak Protection Using Text Mining and Social Network Analysis" published at International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, Volume 10, Issue 12 (December 2014)
MID 1012.067X.0002. Ibadan
Page 14-22
ANED 06.067X/B10121422 aned
aned 067X-1012-0322

Aginam, C. H., Chidolue, C. A., Nwakaire, C.

Geotechnical Properties of Lateritic Soils Northern Zone of Anambra State, Nigeria
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This investigation was carried out to determine the geotechnical properties of lateritic soils used for road construction in Obosi, Umunya, Awkuzu, and Igbariam towns, all in Northern Zone of Anambra state of Nigeria. Tests were carried out on the soil samples which include the Atterberg limit tests, particle size distribution analysis, specific gravity, compaction test using the British Standard Light (BSL) Compactive effort and California Bearing Ratio (CBR) test as specified by the West African Standard (WAS). The liquid limits, plastic limits and plasticity indices guided in the classification of the soil samples as A-2-4 soil of American Association of State Highways and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) classification and SC group of Unified Soil Classification System (USCS). The compaction characteristics of the soil were found to be 1931KN/m3, 2003.8KN/m3, 1965KN/m3 and 1923KN/m3 for maximum dry density and 10.8%, 9.4%, 10.4% and 12.20% for optimum moisture content for samples 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively. The California bearing ratio (CBR) results for the samples for 24 hours soaking are 48%, 58%, 45%, and 52% for sample 1, 2, 3, and 4 respectively. It was concluded that the four lateritic soil samples were suitable for sub-grade and sub-base but should not be used in road construction as a base material.
California Bearing Ratio, Compaction, Geotechnical properties, Lateritic soil
[1]. Alao, D.A. (1983). Geology and Engineering Properties of Laterites from Ilorin, Nigeria. Journal of Engineering Geology. Vol. 19: Pp.111-118.
[2]. Alexander, L.T. and Cady, F.G.(1962). Genesis and Hardening of Laterite in Soils. Technical Bulletin 1282. US Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C, p.90.
[3]. ASTM (2004). Standard Test Method for Liquid limit, Plastic Limit, and Plasticity Index of Soils. D 4318 – 00. Annual Book of ASTM standards. Section 4, Construction. Soil and Rock (I); Baltimore, Md, U.S.A. Volume 04:08.
[4]. Augusta E. (2000), The Influence of Fines Content and Plasticity on the Strength and Permeability of Aggregate Base Class A, Thesis, Master Program on Highway and Development, Bandung Institute of Technology.
[5]. BS 1377 (1990). Methods of Test for Soil for Civil Engineering. British Standard Institution, London.
Aginam, C. H., Chidolue, C. A., Nwakaire, C. "Geotechnical Properties of Lateritic Soils Northern Zone of Anambra State, Nigeria" published at International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, Volume 10, Issue 12 (December 2014)
MID 1012.067X.0003. Nigeria
Page 23-29
ANED 06.067X/C10122329 aned
aned 067X-1012-0329

Max Agueh, Magaye Diop

Accurate wireless channel modeling for efficient adaptive Forward Error Correction in JPEG 2000 video streaming systems
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In this paper, we evaluate the impact of accurate 802.11 based wireless channel modeling on the efficiency of dynamic Forward Error Correction (FEC) schemes in Motion JPEG 2000 video streaming systems. We derive a compromise on the suitable trace length for practical estimation of Packet Error Rate (PER) at decoder side. We demonstrate the validity of the derived trade-off using a real JPEG 2000 based video streaming system.
Index Terms:- Wireless channel modeling; trace length; analysis window length; dynamic Forward Error Correction; Packet Error Rate estimation; Motion JPEG 2000 video streaming.
[1]. D.S. Taubman et M.W. Marcellin, "JPEG 2000 Image Compression Fundamentals, Standards and Practice," Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands 2001
[2]. JPEG 2000 part 11 Final Draft International Standard, ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29/WG 1 N3797 [3]. Z. Guo, Y. Nishikawa, R. Y. Omaki, T. Onoye and I. Shirakawa, "A Low-Complexity FEC Assignment Scheme for Motion JPEG 2000 over Wireless Network", IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Vol. 52, Issue 1, Feb. 2006 Page(s): 81 – 86
[4]. M. Agueh, J-F Diouris, M. Diop and F-O Devaux," Dynamic channel coding for efficient Motion JPEG 2000 streaming over MANET," Proc. Mobimedia2007 conf, August 2007, Nafpaktos, Greece
[5]. Loss patterns acquired during the WCAM Annecy 2004 measurement campaigns IST-2003-507204 WCAM, "Wireless Cameras and Audio-Visual Seamless Networking," project website: http://www.istwcam. org
Max Agueh, Magaye Diop "Accurate wireless channel modeling for efficient adaptive Forward Error Correction in JPEG 2000 video streaming systems" published at International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, Volume 10, Issue 12 (December 2014)
MID 1012.067X.0004. France
Page 30-38
ANED 06.067X/D10123038 aned
aned 067X-1012-0338

Joseph Aje Anejo, Habeeb GbengaLapinni and Audu Ahmadu

Comparative Study of the Physical Properties of Some Selected Cement Brands in Nigeria
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Cement is a core component of concrete; its properties affect the properties of concrete made using the particular type of cement. Unsuitable choice of cement in construction work involving use of concrete can affect the integrity of the construction work. This work was aimed at studying some selected physical properties of some cement brands produced in Nigeria. The selected brands are Ashaka, Sokoto, Dangote, Rhino and Elephant. The properties studied are fineness, consistency, soundness and compressive strength. The study was carried out by laboratory investigation and the tests were as prescribed in BS 4550. All the brands tested exhibited properties that meet the requirements of the appropriate BS and ASTM standards. All the brands tested were able to develop a minimum compressive strength of 33.5N/mm2 which means they meet the grade 32.5 rating. Elephant cement on the other hand was able to attain strength of 23.5N/mm2 at 28 days which means that it is not suitable structural concrete works.
Cement brands, compressive strength, physical properties, standard consistency.
[1]. British Standard Institution (1978).BS 4550 Methods of Testing Cement- Parts 1and 2.London, British Standard Institution (BSI)
[2]. British Standard Institution (1970).BS 12 Physical Testing of Ordinary Portland Cement.London, British Standard Institution (BSI)
[3]. Duggal, S.K. (2009). Building Materials. New Delhi, India. New Age International
[4]. Ghosh, S.N. (Ed.) (1983). Advances in Cement Technology: Critical Reviews and Case Studies on Manufacturing, Quality Control, Optimization and Use. Oxford, Pergamon Press.
[5]. Nilson, A.H., Darwin, D. and Dolan, C.W. (2003).Design of Concrete Structures.13th Edition.New York, McGraw-Hill.
Joseph Aje Anejo, Habeeb GbengaLapinni and Audu Ahmadu "Comparative Study of the Physical Properties of Some Selected Cement Brands in Nigeria" published at International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, Volume 10, Issue 12 (December 2014)
MID 1012.067X.0005. Nigeria
Page 39-44
ANED 06.067X/E10123944 aned
aned 067X-1012-0344

V.Bala Krishna, M.K.M.V.Ratnam, Dr.U.Ranga Raju

An Experimental Study on Compressive Strength of Fiber Reinforced High Strength Concrete Using Recycled Coarse Aggregate
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The use of Recycled Concrete Aggregate (RCA) is gaining importance throughout the globe due to the depleting sources of natural aggregate and disposal problem of demolished waste. The advancement in the prestressed concrete technology and multistoried structures has given impetus for making concrete of high strength. Also, it is well established that the fibers make concrete ductile. The aim of this research work is to determine the suitability of glass fibers for use in structural recycled aggregate concrete of high strength. The fresh and hardened state properties of partially replaced recycled aggregate concrete, with varying percentages of glass fibers, are compared with the corresponding conventional aggregate concrete. The compressive, split tensile and flexural strengths of M50 grade concrete with various replacement levels of coarse aggregate were done . The maximum values of all these strengths were obtained at 1.5% of fiber content
High Strength Concrete, Recycled Coarse Aggregate, Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete
[1]. Chetna M.Vyas, Prof. Jayeshkumar Pitroda, "Fly Ash and Recycled Coarse Aggregate in Concrete: New Era for Construction Industries - A Literature Review", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) - Volume4Issue5- May 2013 .
[2]. Neela Deshpande, S. S. Kulkarni, Nikhil Patil, "Effectiveness of using Coarse Recycled Concrete Aggregate in Concrete", International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering , ISSN 0974-5904, Volume 04, No 06 SPL, October 2011, pp 913-919.
[3]. Y. V. Akbari, N. K. Arora, M. D. Vakil, "Effect on recycled aggregate on concrete properties", International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering ISSN 0974-5904, Volume 04, No 06 SPL, October 2011, pp. 924-928.
[4]. Kenai and Debeib" Effect of Recycled Aggregate on Normal strength concrete", Innovative world of structural engineering conference, September-2010.
[5]. K.Jagannadha Rao , Ahmed Khan "Suitability of Glass Fibers in High Strength Recycled Aggregate Concrete – An Experimental Investigation", Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol.10, No.6 (2009), pages 681-689.
V.Bala Krishna, M.K.M.V.Ratnam, Dr.U.Ranga Raju "An Experimental Study on Compressive Strength of Fiber Reinforced High Strength Concrete Using Recycled Coarse Aggregate" published at International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, Volume 10, Issue 12 (December 2014)
MID 1012.067X.0006. India
Page 45-51
ANED 06.067X/F10124551 aned
aned 067X-1012-0351

T.Geeta Rani, Ch. Shivanarayana, Dr DSV Prasad, Dr.GVR Prasada Raju

Strength Behaviour of Expansive Soil Treated with Tile Waste
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The amount of wastes has increased year by year and the disposal becomes a serious problem. This paper presents the effects of tile waste on, liquid limit, plastic limit, compaction characteristics, California Bearing Ratio and swelling pressure of an expansive soil. The expansive soil collected locally was mixed with tile waste from 0 to 30% at an increment of 10%. From the analysis of test results it was found that, liquid limit, plastic limit, optimum moisture content, and swelling pressure are decreased, maximum dry density and California bearing ratio are increased with an increase in tile waste.
Expansive soil, Tile waste, California bearing ratio, swelling pressure
[1]. Holtz, W.G. and Gibbs, H.J., "Engineering Properties of Expansive Clays", Transactions of ASCE, Vol. 121, 1956, pp. 641-647.
[2]. Evans, R.P. and Mc Manus, K.J., "Construction of Vertical Moisture Barriers to Reduce Expansive Soil Subgrade Movement", TRR-1652, TRB, 1999, pp. 108-112.
[3]. Snethen, D.R. et al., "An Evaluation of Methodology for Prediction and Minimisation of Detrimental Volume Change of Expansive Soils in Highway Subgrades", Research Report, Vol. 1, 1979, Prepared for Federal Highway Administration, Washington.
[4]. Parte Shyam Singh, Yadav R.K. (2014) "Effect Of Marble Dust On Engineering Characteristics Of Black Cotton Soil" International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Development Issue 4, Vol.5 (Aug.- Sep. 2014) Page 104-111
[5]. Amrendra Kumar, Dr. Ravi Kumar Sharma and Babita Singh(2014)," Compaction and Sub-grade Characteristics of Clayey Soil Mixed with Foundry Sand and Fly Ash and Tile waste", International Conference on Advances in Engineering & Technology – 2014 (ICAET-2014) , Page PP 01-05, e- ISSN: 2278-1684.
T.Geeta Rani, Ch. Shivanarayana, Dr DSV Prasad, Dr.GVR Prasada Raju "Strength Behaviour of Expansive Soil Treated with Tile Waste" published at International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, Volume 10, Issue 12 (December 2014)
MID 1012.067X.0007. India
Page 52-57
ANED 06.067X/G10125257 aned
aned 067X-1012-0357

Rapuri Nagaraju, S chandraprakasarao

Development and Analysis of Fuzzy Control for MPPT Based Photovoltaic System
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In PV system control of Power electronics converters are very essential for the efficient utilization of the solar System. This paper proposes modified Perturb & Observe Maximum power point tracking (MPPT) with a fuzzy controller for DC-DC boost converter control in Photovoltaic system under shading and varying atmospheric conditions. This paper proposes a different approach for MPPT of PV system so as to obtain maximum power from PV system. In conventional methods, tracking power contains oscillation in the output power. The Simulation and modeling of Photovoltaic system along with proposed algorithm are done using MATLAB/SIMLINK software. Form Simulation results shows that P & O based fuzzy controller algorithm is transient state is fast, less fluctuations and smooth in signal of generated power.
Photovoltaic, Fuzzy, Maximum Power Point tracking, Boost converter, Capacitor.
[1]. N. Femia, G. Petrone, G. Spagnuolo, M. Vitelli, Optimization of perturb and observe maximum power point tracking method, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 20 (2005) 963–973.
[2]. A. Safari, S. Mekhilef, Simulation and hardware implementation of incremental conductance MPPT with direct control method using Cuk converter, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 58 (2011) 1154–1161.
[3]. H.H. Lee, The new maximum power point tracking algorithm using ANN-based solar PV systems, IEEE Network Conference 3 (2010) 2179–2184.
[4]. A. Messai, A. Mellit, A.M. Pavan, A. Guessoum, H. Mekki, FPGA-based implementation of a fuzzy controller (MPPT) for photovoltaic module, Energy Conversion and Management 52 (2011) 2695– 2704.
[5]. Y. Shaiek, M. Ben Smida, A. Sakly, M.F. Mimouni, Comparison between conventional methods and GA approach for maximum power point tracking of shaded solar PV generators, Solar Energy 90 (2013) 107–122.
Rapuri Nagaraju, S chandraprakasarao "Development and Analysis of Fuzzy Control for MPPT Based Photovoltaic System" published at International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, Volume 10, Issue 12 (December 2014)
MID 1012.067X.0008. India
Page 58-64
ANED 06.067X/H10125864 aned
aned 067X-1012-0364

M.Arulmani, V.R.Hema Latha

WHAT DOES MEAN "GOD"?... (A New theory on "RELIGION")
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"RELIGION" is exclusive asset of "HUMAN"?...
i. "Animals" do not have "Religion"?...
ii. "Plants" do not have "Religion"?...
iii. "Planets" do not have "Religion"?...
a) Philosophy of "White Religion"?...
b) Philosophy of "Dark Religion"?...
c) Philosophy of "Blue Religion"?...
d) Philosophy of "Green Religion"?...
e) Philosophy of "Red Religion"?...
a) Intensive Internet "e-book" study through, Google search and wikipedia
b) M.Arulmani, "3G Akkanna Man", Annai Publications, Cholapuram, 2011
c) M. Arulmani; V.R. Hemalatha, "Tamil the Law of Universe", Annai Publications, Cholapuram, 2012
d) Harold Koontz, Heinz Weihriah, "Essentials of management", Tata McGraw-Hill publications, 2005
e) M. Arulmani; V.R. Hemalatha, "First Music and First Music Alphabet", Annai Publications, Cholapuram, 2012
M.Arulmani, V.R.Hema Latha "WHAT DOES MEAN "GOD"?... (A New theory on "RELIGION")" published at International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, Volume 10, Issue 12 (December 2014)
MID 1012.067X.0009. India
Page 65-74
ANED 06.067X/I10126574 aned
aned 067X-1012-0374

Dr. H. B. Kekre, Dr. Tanuja Sarode, Shachi Natu

Robust Watermarking Using Hybrid Transform of DCT, Haar and Walsh and SVD
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In this paper a novel approach of watermarking using hybrid transform and SVD is proposed. Hybrid transform is generated from existing orthogonal transforms of different sizes by taking their kronecker product. DCT, Walsh, and Haar transforms are used to generate the hybrid transforms DCT-Walsh, Walsh- DCT, DCT-Haar, Haar-DCT, Walsh-Haar andHaar-Walsh. Each hybrid transform is applied column wise/row wise on host. Singular Value Decomposition of watermark is obtained and first few singular values of watermark are embedded in middle frequency band of hybrid column/row transformed host. Robustness of proposed approach is evaluated against image compression, cropping, noise addition, image resizing and histogram equalization attack. Performance of hybrid transform shows improvement against compression attack by 59%, against noise addition by 70% and against resizing by 32-56% when compared to hybrid wavelet transforms.
Watermarking, Singular Value Decomposition, Hybrid transform, Kronecker product, Hybrid wavelet transform
[1]. Abhay Sharma, Rekha Chaturvedi, Naveen Hemrajani, Dinesh Goyal, "New improved and robust watermarking technique based on third LSB substitution method", International journal of scientific and research publication, vol. 2, issue 3, pp. 1-4, 2012.
[2]. Rajani Verma, Archana Tiwari, "Copyright Protection for Watermark Image Using LSB Algorithm in Colored Image", Advance in Electronic and electric engineering, vol. 4, No. 5, pp. 499-506, 2014.
[3]. V.Madhu Viswanatham, Jeswanth Manikonda, "A novel technique for embedding data in spatial domain", International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 233-236, 2010.
[4]. Abdullah Bamatraf, Rosziati Ibrahim and Mohd. Najib Mohd. Salleh, "A New Digital Watermarking Algorithm UsingCombination of Least Significant Bit (LSB) and Inverse Bit", Journal of computing, volume 3, Issue 4, pp. 1-8, 2011.
[5]. Wai Chu, "DCT-Based Image Watermarking Using Subsampling", IEEE transactions on multimedia, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 34-38, March 2003.
Dr. H. B. Kekre, Dr. Tanuja Sarode, Shachi Natu "Robust Watermarking Using Hybrid Transform of DCT, Haar and Walsh and SVD" published at International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, Volume 10, Issue 12 (December 2014)
MID 1012.067X.0010. India
Page 75-92
ANED 06.067X/J10127592 aned
aned 067X-1012-0392