Dr. Alhamali Masoud Alfrgani .Ali, Eng.Ziaulhaq Dhau E. obeid, Dr.Abdualla Mahmoud Alshibani Mousbah |
Advantage of Programming Languages in Computer Science | ||||||||
Computer programming languages allow us to give instructions to a computer in a language the computer understands. Just as many human-based languages exist, there is an array of computer programming languages that programmers can use to communicate with a computer. Programming is a basic need to teach to computer science students. Besides these advantages, programming language serves as a fundamental tool for analyzing, studying and understanding advanced concepts of computer science that the students are taught in later semesters of their undergraduate studies. Therefore, the selection of a programming language for teaching to computer science students is extremely important.........
[1]. Robins, A., J. Rountree, and N. Rooftree . (2003) Learning and Teaching Programming: A Review and Discussion. Computer Science Education, vol. 13(2), Springer, p. 137-172. [5]. Mason, R., G. Cooper, and M.D. Raadt.(2012) Trends in Introductory Programming Courses in Australian Universities – Languages, Environments and Pedagogy. in Proceedings of the Fourteenth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2012), Melbourne, Australia.pp.89.
Sharad Goel, Vivek Kale |
Case Study on Water Ingress in Himalayan Tunnel | ||||||||
A double lane access tunnel of about 1.5 km length is proposed for access to an upcoming major hydro-electric
project in Ramban & Udhampur districts of Jammu & Kashmir. The tunnel is accessible through inlet only
(East portal) and is located at left bank of the Mandiyal Nalla.Severe water ingress was encountered during
heading excavation at RD 855.00m. The quantum of ingress of water was so huge that the tunnel rapidly got
flooded up to RD 221.00. The project area lies in Sirban Limestone represented mainly by dolomitic limestone
with bands of dark grey to black slates.In spite of large dewatering, the ingress of water could not be controlled
to the desired extent, thereby acutely signifying the gravity of water. After grouting with cement, it was found
that the grouting works are ineffective in arresting the heavy ingress of water inside the tunnel.Further, trial of
PU grouting was done with the deployment of expert executing agency. This trial succeeded by 85% stoppage of
water ingress..
[1]. Geological Mapping report of the Project
Soja, Y.J., Usman, A.M., Yami, A.M., Duvuna, G.A. |
Design Construction and Testing Of a Constant Heat and Aggitation Speed Biodiesel Batch Reactor | ||||||||
Temperature and speed of agitation in a batch reactor are parameters that play an important role in the yield of biodiesel. There is a need of maintaining these parameters in the reactor to aid the esterification process. The aim of the study is to design and construct microcontroller and monitoring device for maintaining constant temperature and agitation speed to a12-litter capacity biodiesel batch reactor. Microcontroller PIC18F4520, LM35 temperature sensor, pumps, and valves were used for temperature control. Brushless direct current (BLDC) motor driver (MC33033), and optical encoder mounted on the shaft were used to measure and control the speed of the motor.........
Reactor, Biodiesel, Fossil Diesel, Speed, Temperature
[1]. Wongjaikham, W., Wongsawaeng, D., Ratritsai, V., Kamjam, M., Ngaosawm, K., Kiatkittipong, W., Hosemann, P. and Assabumrungrat, S., 2021. "Low-cost alternative biodiesel production apparatus based on house hold food blender for continuous biodisel production for small communities," Nature,