Version - 1 (June 2014) |
Maolin Wang |
Study on the Anticipatory Coariticulatory Effect of Chinese Disyllabic Sequences |
In this study, the Vowel-to-Vowel (V-to-V) coarticulatory effect in the Vowel-Consonant-Vowel (VCV) sequences is investigated, and the F2 offset value of the first vowel is analyzed. Results show that, in the trans-segment context, anticipatory coarticulation exists in Chinese. Due to high articulatory strength of aspirated obstruents, in the context of subsequent vowel /i/, the V1 F2 offset value is higher in the context of aspirated stops than the unaspirated ones. Results from this study are not in accordance with the DAC prediction, which implies that the pattern of degrees of articulatory constraint is not consistent among languages.
Aspiration, coarticulation, formant, place of articulation, vowel
[1] S. E. G. Öhman, ―Coarticulation in VCV utterances: spectrographic measurements,‖ Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 39, pp. 151–168, 1966.
[2] D. Recasens, ―An acoustic analysis of V-to-C and V-to-V coarticulatory effets in Catalan and Spanish VCV sequences,‖ Journal of Phonetics, vol. 15, pp. 299–321,1987. [3] R. A. W. Bladon and A. Al-Bamerni, ―Coarticulation resistance in English /l/,‖ Journal of Phonetics, vol. 4, pp. 137–150,1976. [4] D. Recasens, ―V-to-C coarticulation in Catalan VCV sequences,‖ Journal of Phonetics, vol. 12, pp.61–73, 1984. [5] Z. Wu and G. Sun, ―Acoustic coarticulatory patterns of voicelese fricatives in CVCV in Standard Chinese‖, Report on Phonetic Research, Institute of Linguistics, CASS, 1990, pp. 1–19. |
Jyotika Doshi, Savita Gandhi |
Quad-Byte Transformation Performs Better Than Arithmetic Coding |
Arithmetic coding (AC) is the most widely used encoding/decoding technique used with most of the data compression programs in the later stage. Quad-byte transformation using zero frequency byte symbols (QBT-Z) is a technique used to compress/decompress data. With k-pass QBT-Z, the algorithm transforms half of the possible most-frequent byte pairs in each pass except the last. In the last pass, it transforms all remaining possible quad-bytes. Authors have experimented k-pass QBT-Z and AC on 18 different types of files with varying sizes having total size of 39,796,037 bytes. It is seen that arithmetic coding has taken 17.488 seconds to compress and the comprsesion rate is 16.77%. The compression time taken by 1 and 2 pass QBT-Z is 7.629 and 12.1839 seconds with compression rate 17.041% and 18.906% respectively. Considerable saving is observed in inverse transformation of QBT-Z as compared to arithmetic decoding. Decompression time of QBT-Z with 1 and 2 passes is only 2.147 and 2.340 seconds respectively as compared to 27.158 seconds decompression time of arithmetic coding. Both these techniques require computing the frequencies before starting compression. It is found that QBT-Z is more efficient giving more than 2% higher compression with very small execution time.
Data Compression, better compression rate, faster execution, quad-byte data transformation, substitution using zero-frequency byte symbols, arithmetic coding
[1]. Philip Gage, "A New Algorithm For Data Compression", The C Users Journal, vol. 12(2)2, pp. 23–38, February 1994
[2]. Altan Mesut, Aydin Carus, "ISSDC: Digram Coding Based Lossless Dtaa Compression Algorithm", Computing and Informatics, Vol. 29, pp.741–754, 2010 [3]. Sayood Khalid, "Introduction to Data Compression",2nd edition, Morgan Kaufmann, 2000 [4]. Ian H. Witten, Alistair Moffat, Timothy C. Bell, "Managing Gigabytes-Compressing and Indexing Documents and Images", 2nd edition, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 1999 [5]. |
Christian Okechukwu Osueke, IgbinosaIkpotokin |
Experimental and Numerical Investigations of Forced Convection in Tube-Type Heat Exchanger | ||||||||||||
Experimental and numerical studies of forced convectionheat transfer in tube-type heat exchanger
consisting four columns of five cylindrical tubes arranged so that every second column is displaced (i.estaggered configuration) were carried out. Experiments were conductedtodeterminethe effects of flow pattern on heat transfer and pressure dropwithin the heat exchanger and the heat transfer dependence on position. In the analytical approach, the dimensionless representationsof the rates of forced convection (i.eNusselt number) and pressure loss(i.e drag coefficient) were obtained. The numerical simulation is carried out using FEMLAB 3.0 and the results compared favourably with the experimental. The flow visualization featuressuch as boundary layer developments between tubes, formation of vortices, local variations of the velocity and temperature distribution within the heat transfer device were revealed by numerical solution. The resultsshowed that the average Nusselt number increases with increasing Reynolds number and the heated element position in the bank. The drag coefficient decrease with increasing Reynolds numbers. Tube-type heat exchangers, staggered tube bank, forced convection.
[1]. Kays, W. S., London, A. L., 1998, Compact Heat Exchangers, 3rd Ed., KriegerPublishing Company, Malabar, Florida.
[2]. M. A. Mehrabian, 2007, Heat Transfer And Pressure Drop Characteristics Of Cross Flow Of Air Over An Circular Tube in Isolation And/Or in a Tube Bank, The Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Volume 32. [3]. S.Y. Yoo, H.K. Kwon, J.H. Kim, 2007, A study on heat transfer characteristics for staggered tube banks in cross-flow, J. Mech. Sci. Technol. Vol. 21 pp505–512. [4]. Yukio Takemoto, KeijiKawanishi, JiroMizushima, 2010, Heat transfer in the flow through a bundle of tubes and transitions of the flow, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 53 pp 5411–5419 [5]. Žukauskas, A.,1987, Convective Heat Transfer in Cross Flow, Handbook of Single-Phase
Vandana |
A Vibrant Optimization for Job Forecast In Cloud |
Cloud computing has emerged as a popular computing model to support on demand services. It is a style of computing where massively scalable resources are delivered as a service to external customers using Internet technologies. The aim is to make effective utilization of distributed resources and put them together in order to achieve higher throughput .Scheduling in cloud is the process of selecting resources where the tasks submitted by user are executed. In other words, scheduling is responsible for selection of best suitable resources for task execution, by taking some static and dynamic parameters and restrictions of tasks' into consideration. In this paper entitled ―a vibrant optimization for job forecast in cloud‖, a scheduling algorithm is proposed which addresses the major challenges of task scheduling in cloud. It overcomes the problems of high task execution cost, improper resource utilization and improves the task completion time
granularity size, resource allocation, scheduling
[1] J. Geelan, "Twenty-one experts define cloud computing," Cloud Computing Journal, vol. 2009, pp. 1-5, 2009.
[2] R. Mikkilineni and V. Sarathy. (2009). Cloud Computing and the Lessons from the Past in 18th IEEE International Workshop on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructures for Collaborative Enterprises, WETICE'09,2009. [3] S. Ma, "A Review on Cloud Computing Development," Journal of Networks, vol. 7, no.2, pp. 305-310, 2012. [4] P. Mell and T. Grance, "The NIST definition of cloud computing," National Institute of Standards and Technology, vol. 53, no.6, 2009. [5] I. Foster, Z. Yong, I. Raicu, and S. Lu, "Cloud computing and grid computing 360-degree compared," 2008, pp. 1-10. |
Pinkal Shah, Prof. (Dr.) A.K.Dua |
Algorithm for sequence mining using gap constraints |
The sequence mining problem consists in finding frequent sequential patterns in a database of time-stamped events. Some application domains require limiting the maximum temporal gap between events in the input sequences. However concentration on such constraint is critical for most sequence mining algorithms. In this paper we describe CCSM (Cache-based Con-strained Sequence Miner), a new level-wise algorithm that overcomes the troubles usually related to this kind of con-straints. CCSM adopts an approach based on k-way intersections of idlists to compute the support of candidate sequences. Our k-way intersection method is enhanced by the use of an effective cache that stores intermediate idlists for reuse in future. The reuse of intermediate results involves a surprising reduction in the actual number of join operations performed on idlists. CCSM has been experimentally compared with cSPADE, a state of the art algorithm, on several synthetically generated datasets, achieve better or similar results in most cases. Categories and Subject Descriptors— Database management: Database Applications - Data Mining. General Terms— Algorithms, Performance, Experimentation.
Sequential patterns and mining, constraints, intersection, vertical dataset.
[1] R. Agrawal, T. Imielinski, and S. A. Mining Associations between Sets of Items in Massive Databases. In Proc. of the ACM-SIGMOD 1993 Int'l Conf. on Management of Data, pages 207{216, 1993.
[2] R. Agrawal and R. Srikant. Mining sequential patterns. In P. S. Yu and A. L. P. Chen, editors, Proc. 11th Int. Conf. Data Engineering, ICDE, pages 3{14. IEEE Press, 6{10 1995. [3] J. Ayres, J. Gehrke, T. Yiu, and J. Flannick. Sequential pattern mining using bitmaps. In Proceedings of the Eighth ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. 2002. [4] M. N. Garofalakis, R. Rastogi, and K. Shim. SPIRIT: Sequential pattern mining with regular expression constraints. In The VLDB Journal, pages 223{234, 1999. [5] S. Orlando, P. Palmerini, R. Perego, and F. Silvestri. Adaptive and resource-aware mining of frequent sets. In Proc. of the 2002 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, ICDM, 2002. |
Anu Garg, Dr. P.R. Sharma, Chairman |
Grid Stability Improvement in Deregulated Environment Using HVDC and Fuzzy Controller | ||||||||||||
In this paper, two equal areas is considered. This paper deals with the results of dynamic performance of frequency control and tie line. A fuzzy logic controller is proposed for two area power system interconnected via parallel HVAC/HVDC transmission link which is also referred as asynchronous tie lines. The linear model of HVAC/HVDC link is developed and the system responses to sudden load change are studied. For obtaining least deviations we have formed a deregulated system of Wind Turbine Generator for both system and tie line separately. Then these systems are applied to our original systems and tie lines. The deviations have decreased appreciably.
Automatic generation control (AGC) Deregulated environment, Fuzzy logic controller, Generation rate constraint, Area control error, HVDC Link
[1] Yogendra Arya, Narender Kumar, Hitesh Dutt Mathur, "Automatic Generation Control In Multi Area Interconnected Power System by using HVDC Links" IJEPDS(International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive System)Vol.2,No.1,March2012, pp.67~75, ISSN :2088-8694. [2] The Grid of Tommorow, [3] I.J. Nagrath and D.P. Kothari, "Modern Power System Analysis" 3rd Edition, Sixteenth reprint 2009, Tata Mc-Graw Hill publication. [4] Naimul Hasan, "An Overview of AGC Strategies in Power System" IJETAE (International Journal of Emerging Technology and advance Engineering), Vol.2, Issue 8, August 2012 ISSN 2250-2459,pp 56~64. [5] Ibraheem and P. Kumar, "Study of dynamic performance of power systems with Asynchronous tie line considering parameter uncertainities," Journal of Institution of Engineers (I)' vol.85, pp. 35-42'2004.
Avinash M.Wankhade, Pratik G.Sapre, Sunil D.Nagulkar, Parmeshwar A.Bhargade |
Effect of EGR on NOx & Performance Parameters in single cylinder four stroke CI engine. | ||||||||||||
In diesel engines, NOx formation is a highly temperature-dependent phenomenon and takes place when the temperature in the combustion chamber exceeds 2000 K. Therefore, in order to reduce NOx emissions in the exhaust, it is necessary to keep peak combustion temperatures under control. One simple way of reducing the NOx emission of a diesel engine is by late injection of fuel into the combustion chamber. This technique is effective but increases fuel consumption by 10–15%, which necessitates the use of more effective NOx reduction techniques like exhaust gas recirculation (EGR). Re-circulating part of the exhaust gas helps in reducing NOx, but appreciable particulate emissions are observed at high loads, hence there is a trade-off between NOx and smoke emission. To get maximum benefit from this trade-off, a particulate trap may be used to reduce the amount of unburnt particulates in EGR, which in turn reduce the particulate emission also. An experimental investigation was conducted to observe the effect of exhaust gas re-circulation on the exhaust gas temperatures and exhaust opacity. The experimental setup for the proposed experiments was developed on a single cylinder, direct injection, air-cooled, compression ignition engine. A matrix of experiments was conducted for observing the effect of different quantities of EGR on exhaust gas temperatures and opacity.
Diesel engine, EGR, NOx, Pollution.
[1]. Prof. Walke P.V., GHRCE Nagpur, Dr.Deshpande N.V. ,Professor,V.N.I.T,Nagpur ,"Performance and emission characteristics of Diesel Engine using catalyst with exhaust gas recirculation." Proceedings of ASME, Mechanical engineering congress and exposition, November 05-10, 2006, Chicago, Illinois, paper No. IMECE2006-14484
[2]. Heywood John B. Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals Inc. edn ( New York: Mc-Graw Hill) pp 572 - 577 [3]. Avinash Kumar Agrawal, Shravan Kumar Singh, "Effect of EGR on the exhaust gas temperature and exhaust opacity in [4]. M.L. Mathur, R.P. Sharma, Internal Combustion Engine (New Delhi: Dhanpat Rai Publications) pp 760-776 [5]. V Ganeshan ,Internal Combustion Engines Inc.end(New York: Mc-Graw Hill) pp 480-499
J.M. Srishaila, Parvez Ahamed. P, K.N. Vishwanath, P. Prakash |
Experimental Study on Workability and Strength Characteristics of Fly ash and GGBS based Self-Compacting Geo polymer Concrete |
Self compacting Geo polymer Concrete (GPSCC) is an innovative material and is produced by complete elimination of ordinary Portland cement (OPC) by industrial waste materials such as Fly ash and Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GGBS). Alkaline solutions such as sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and sodium silicate are used to make the binder necessary to manufacture the concrete. This paper reports the laboratory tests conducted to investigate on the fresh and hardened properties of self-compacting geo-polymer concrete. The experiments were conducted by varying concentration of sodium hydroxide from 8M to 12M, binder material such as fly ash and GGBS are taken with 100:0, 70:30, 50:50, 30:70 and 0:100 proportions. Mixtures were prepared with alkaline liquid to binder ratio of 0.5 and the ratio of sodium silicate to sodium hydroxide solution was kept 2.5 for all mix proportions. The test methods on fresh properties to access the workability characteristics such as slump flow test, T50cm slump flow, V–funnel test, L-box test, and J-ring test on SCGPC were carried out. The test specimens were cured for about 7, 28 and 56 days at ambient room temperature. The compressive strength test was carried out at the age of 7, 28 and 56 days, flexural and split tensile strength tests were carried out at 28 days. Based on the test results the workability of fresh concrete was slightly reduced with increase in the molarity of sodium hydroxide solution. However the strength properties were increased with high concentration of NaOH of GGBS based SCGPC
Fly ash, GGBS, Self Compacting Geo polymer concrete, Workability, Compressive Strength, Split Tensile Strength, and Flexural Strength
[1]. THE PROCEEDINGS OF GEOPOLYMER 2005 WORLD CONGRESS, 4th Int. Conference on geopolymers, edited by J. Davidovits, Geopolymer Institute, France 2006.
[2]. D. Bondar, C. J. Lynsdale, N. B. Milestone, N. Hassani, and A. A. Ramezanianpour. "ENGINEERING PROPERTIES OF ALKALI ACTIVATE NATURAL POZZOLAN CONCRETE". Second International Conference on Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies June 28-June 30, 2010. [3]. M. Fareed Ahmed, M. Fadhil Nuruddin, and Nasir Shafiq "Compressive strength and workability characteristics of low-calcium fly ash based Self-compacting Geo polymer concrete" - International Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering 3.2.2011 [4]. Stengel, T, Reger, J and Heinz, D (2009) "Life Cycle Assessment of Geo-polymer Concrete – What is the Environmental Benefit?" Concrete Solutions 09 Proceedings of 24th Biennial Conference of the Concrete Institute of Australia, Sydney, 2009. [5]. N A Lloyd and B V Rangan, "GEOPOLYMER CONCRETE: A REVIEW OF DEVELOPMENT AND OPPORTUNITIES", 35TH Conference on OUR WORLD IN CONCRETE AND STRUCTURES, Singapore, 25-27 August 2010.
Prashasti Kanikar, Twinkle Puri, Binita Shah, Ishaan Bazaz, Binita Parekh |
Comparison of FP tree and Apriori Algorithm |
Data Mining is known as a rich tool for gathering information and frequent pattern mining algorithm is most widely used approach for association rule mining. To harness this power of mining, the study of performance of frequent pattern algorithm on various data sets has been performed. Using Java as platform implementation of Frequent Pattern Algorithm has been done and analysis is done based on some of the factors like relationship between number of iterations and number of instances between different kinds of data sets. The drawbacks of the algorithm were studied and a better algorithm was analysed to find out the differences in the performance of the two algorithms namely Frequent Pattern Mining and Partition Algorithm enabling comparative study of those algorithms. Conclusion is supported with graphs at the end of the paper.
Association Rule Mining, Confidence, Data Mining, Data Warehousing, and Knowledge Discovery Process.
[1]. A Comparative study of Association rule Mining Algorithm – Review Cornelia Győrödi*, Robert Győrödi*, prof. dr. ing. Stefan Holban
[2]. Image Processing and Image Mining using Decision Trees - KUN-CHE LU AND DON-LIN YANG [3]. IMAGE MINING TECHNIQUES: A LITERATURE SURVEY - Mahendra S.Makesar [4]. An Experiential Survey on Image Mining Tools, Techniques and Applications – C. Laxmi Devasena [5].
Version - 2 (June 2014) |
D. Mansour, A. El Hmaidi, A. Essahlaoui, A. El Ouali, R. Bouabid, M. El Abassi |
Using GIS for selection of Potential Waste Disposal Sites in Meknes city |
In Morocco, as in most developing countries, landfill is still the only solution for the final disposal of municipal solid waste. The choice of suitable site for waste disposal is one of the main problems in waste management. This requires that many environmental and economic considerations be respected. This paper describes a decisional step for locating a suitable site to dispose the municipal solid wastes of using Geographic Information Systems (GIS). The methodology adopted is based on a multi-criteria analysis grid and was applied the case of the Meknes area in Morocco. The landfill sitting criteria were subdivided in two types: exclusion or constraint criteria and assessment criteria. These criteria are based on geographical data from several layers such, geology, hydrology, hydrogeology, demography, topography, etc. The prevailing wind direction, distance from city, proximity to water body, visual exposition, and proximity to road networks were also considered. After integration of all these constraints, suitable sites were shortlisted. Four sites were suggested as alternatives to the existing disposal site taking into consideration the environmental, social, and economical variables applied in the GIS analysis.
Site selection, Geographic Information System (GIS), Landfill, exclusion criteria, assessment criteria.
[1]. Dadras M., Ahmad R. M. and Farjad B., Integration of GIS and multi-criteria decision analysis for urban solid waste management and site selection landfill in Bandar Abbas city, south of Iran. International Geoinformatics Research and Development Journal, vol 1, issue 2, pp. 1-14, June 2010.
[2]. Komilis DP., Ham RK. and Stegmann R., The effect of municipal solid waste pretreatment on landfill behavior: a literature review. Waste Management and Research, 17 (1), pp. 10-19, 1999. [3]. Al-Khatib I.A., Arafat H.A., Basheer T., Shawahneh H., Salahat A., Eid J. and Ali W., Trends and problems of solid waste management in developing countries: A case study in seven Palestinian districts". Waste Management, vol. 27, pp. 1910–1919, 2007. [4]. Yılmaz A., Atmaca E., Environmental geological assessment of a solid waste disposal site: a case study in Sivas, Turkey. Environmental Geology, Vol. 50, pp. 677-689, 2006. [5]. Département de l'Environnement, Situation actuelle de la gestion Des déchets ménagers et assimilés au Maroc, 2013. consulté February2014.
Abubaker Ali, Noraini Ibrahim |
Comparative Analysis Between Fpa and Cocomo Techniques For Software Cost Estimation |
Software cost estimation is the process of predicting the effort required to develop a software system. The basic input for the software cost estimation is coding size and set of cost drivers; the output is effort in terms of Person-Months. Here, the use of FPA and COCOMO has been proposed for the estimation of software project cost. It was found the FPA results for first case study WBDDDS was 12.506 Persons-Months with the total cost of $65031.2. Then, by using COCOMO, the result was 16.286 Persons-Months with the total cost of $84,687.2. However, COCOMO and FPA results for second case study (SBOBSE) are 19.62 Persons-Months with the total cost of $102,024 and 19.354 Persons-Months with the total cost of $100,640.8, respectively. In conclusion, comparison of the two models is done.
Function point analysis (FPA), Constructive Cost Model (COCOCMO), software cost estimation, lines of code (LOC)
[1]. Attarzadeh, I., & Ow, S. H. (2010, February). A novel soft computing model to increase the accuracy of software development cost estimation. In Computer and Automation Engineering (ICCAE), 2010 The 2nd International Conference on (Vol. 3, pp. 603-607). IEEE.
[2]. Boehm, B. W. (1979, September). Software engineering-as it is. In Proceedings of the 4th international conference on Software engineering (pp. 11-21). IEEE Press. [3]. Boehm, B., Clark, B., Horowitz, E., Westland, C., Madachy, R., & Selby, R. (1995). Cost models for future software life cycle processes: COCOMO 2.0.Annals of software engineering, 1(1), 57-94. [4]. Braga, P. L., Oliveira, A. L., & Meira, S. R. (2008, March). A GA-based feature selection and parameters optimization for support vector regression applied to software effort estimation. In Proceedings of the 2008 ACM symposium on Applied computing (pp. 1788-1792). ACM. [5]. Matson, J. E., Barrett, B. E., & Mellichamp, J. M. (1994). Software development cost estimation using function points. Software Engineering, IEEE Transactions on, 20(4), 275-287.
Satvik.C.M, K.N. Vishwanath, Raghunandan V Kadaba |
Effect of Dosage, Aspect Ratio and End Shape of Steel Fibers on the Flexural Toughness Performance of Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete- A Performance Study |
The usefulness of fiber reinforced concrete in the civil engineering field is indisputable. Fiber reinforced concrete (FRC) has been a solution for the engineers in arresting and preventing crack propagation. FRC has been a part of the construction of bridges, offshore and hydraulic structures, structural elements to be built in seismically prone areas, precast products and so on. This paper presented herein provides an experimental report on the flexural performance and durability parameters of fiber reinforced concrete. We broadly classify Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete (SFRC) based on a few parameters such as dosage, shape and aspect ratio of steel fibers. In particular, issues related to the post cracking behaviour , the load carrying capacity and the fresh concrete properties of fiber reinforced concrete is briefly explained.
fiber reinforced concrete, SFRC, flexural performance, post cracking behaviour, fresh concrete properties, dosage, shape and aspect ratio of steel fibers.
[1] D. V. Soulioti, N. M. Barkoula, A. Paipetis and T. E. Matikas" Effects of Fibre Geometry and Volume Fraction on the Flexural Behavior of Steel-Fibre Reinforced Concrete"-strain-An International Journal for Experimental Mechanics" Volume 47, Issue1, June 2011, PP 535-541. [2] P.Balaguru, Ramesh Narahari and Mehendra Patel "Flexural Toughness of Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete" -ACI Journal, November-1992, Volume 89, Issue-6, Pages 541-546.
Gbekeloluwa Oguntimein , James Hunter, Dong Hee Kang |
Biosorption of Azure Dye with Sunflower Seed Hull: Estimation of Equilibrium, Thermodynamic and Kinetic Parameters |
Biosorption potential of sunflower seed hull to remove reactive textile dye contaminated solutions was the purpose of this investigation. Azure A chloride dye was chosen as a model for this investigation. Pretreatment, initial pH, biomass dosage, contact time, initial dye concentration and temperature were evaluated in batch mode studies. Preliminary results indicate that acid and base pretreatment affected the dye biosorption properties of the milled hull. Particles retained on the ASTM sieves 250 μm and 425 μm had the highest biosorption capacity. The optimum pH for azure dye biosorption was 6.0, and the values of percent dye biosorbed and biosorption capacity increased with contact time and dosage of dried sunflower seed hull (DSSH). Batch equilibrium data obtained at different temperatures (22.5, 25, 30, 35, 35, 40 and 45oC) were modeled by Freundlich, Langmuir and Dubinin–Radushkevich (D–R) isotherms. Langmuir and Freudlich isotherms model fitted the equilibrium data, at all studied temperatures. The highest monolayer biosorption capacity was found to be 22.27mg g-1 dry biomass at 40oC. The changes in Gibbs free energy (ΔG*), enthalpy (ΔH*) and entropy (ΔS*) of biosorption were also evaluated for the biosorption of Azure dye onto DSSH. The results indicate that the biosorption was spontaneous and exothermic. The kinetic properties were studied; the data fitted the first and pseudo second order model at room temperature (22.5oC). The pseudo-second-order kinetic model was observed to provide the best correlation of the experimental data among the kinetic models studied. The biosorbent–dye interaction mechanisms were investigated using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy.
Biosorption, Azure dye, pseudo-second order kinetics, Isotherms, dried sunflower seed hull
[1]. S. T. Akar,A. Safa Özcan,T. Akara,A. Özcan and Z. KaynakBiosorption of a reactive textile dye from aqueous solutions utilizing an agro-waste. Desalination, 249: 757-761. 2009 [2]. Y. S. Ho, T. H. Chiang, and Y. M. Hsueh, Removal of basic dye from aqueous solution using tree fern as a biosorbent. Process Biochem., 40: 119-124. 2005 [3]. G. McKay, S. J. Allen, I. F. McConvey and M. S. Otterburn. Transport processes in the sorption of colored ions by peat particles. J. Colloid Interface Sci., 80: 323 -339. 1981. [4]. S. S. Nawar, and H. S. Doma. .Removal of dyes from effluents using low-cost agricultural by-products, Sci. Total Environ., 79: 271-279. 1989. [5]. R. Gong, Y. Ding, M. .Li, C. Yang, H. Liu and Y. Sun, Y. Utilization of powdered peanut hull as biosorbent for removal of anionic dyes from aqueous solution. Dyes and Pigments, 64: 187-192. 2005.
P. Ravi Kiran, Y. K. Sundara Krishna |
A Study Report on Authentication Protocols in GSM, GPRS and UMTS |
Masquerading and eavesdropping are major threats in mobile Communications. To provide protection in communication we require enciphering of voice message and authentication for subscriber with the communication network. This paper presents a complete study report on authentication protocols and its application on mobile communication systems like GSM, GPRS and UMTS. In addition, we describe the Encryption and authentication algorithms that are used in these architectures.
Authentication protocols, Telecommunication systems, GSM, GPRS, UMTS
[1] Yong Li, Yin Chen, and Tie-Jun MA, "Security in GSM", Retrieved March 18, 2008, from [2] Efficient authentication protocols of GSM Chin-Chen Chang*, Jung-San Lee, Ya-Fen Chang, Computer Communications 28 (2005) 921–928. [3] Authentication and Secure Communication in GSM, GPRS, and UMTS Using Asymmetric Cryptography Wilayat Khan and Habib Ullah, IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 7, Issue 3, No 9, May 2010. [4] Authentication Protocols in Wireless Communications, Hung-Yu Lin, Lein Harn, and Vijay Kumar [5] Authentication Protocols for Personal Communication Systems, Hung-Yu Lin and Lein Harn
Pallavi K. Deshpande, Chitrakant Banchhor |
Survey on Recommender systems |
Social networks have become a great source of information, for that several applications have been proposed to extract information from social networks such as: recommender systems. The speed and scalability of such a recommender algorithm is as important as the actual logic behind the algorithm because such algorithms generally run over a "huge" graph and implementing these normally would probably take a lot of time for recommending items even for just one user. The basic idea of the algorithm is to recommend items to users connected via social network. In this paper various categories in which recommender systems are classified are discussed. Also various open sources, scalable, distributed and non distributed graph processing platforms are also discussed. The concept of recommender system with Giraph which is an open source distributed graph processing platform for highly reliable, scalable graph datasets is introduced in this paper.
large scale graph, recommender system, giraph, hadoop, bulk synchronous parallel model, recommendation algorithm, and social network analysis.
[1]. Dalia Sulieman, Maria Malek, Hubert Kadima, et. Al. ,‖Graph searching algorithm for semantic social recommendation‖, IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining, 2012, pp. 733-738
[2]. G. Adomavicius and A. Tuzhilin, ―Toward the next generation of recommender systems: A survey of the state-of-the-art and possible extensions,‖ Knowledge and Data Engineering, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 17, no. 6, pp. 734–749, 2005. [3]. Yong Guo, Marcin Biczak, et al.,‖How Well do Graph-Processing Platforms Perform? An Empirical Performance Evaluation and Analysis‖ [4]. Tomasz Kajdanowicz, Wojciech Indyk, et al. ―Comparison of the Efficiency of MapReduce and Bulk Synchronous Parallel Approaches to Large Network Processing‖, IEEE 12th International Conference on Data Mining Workshops,2012 [5]. Grzegorz Malewicz, Matthew H. Austern,et al.,‖Pregel: A System for Large-Scale Graph Processing‖, ACM 978-1-4503-0032-2/10/06, SIGMOD'10, June 6–11, 2010 |
Praneet Dutta, Ronit Rudra |
Intelligent Home Lighting System |
This project has been carried out to create a sample "Intelligent Home Lighting System" which uses sensors and microcontroller interfacing in order to keep track of the number of people in a room and to automatically shut off the main power supply if the room occupancy reaches zero.
Index Terms:- Arduino Uno, 7805 voltage regulator, Relay, Light Dependent Resistor, Transformer, Liquid Crystal, Serial Input.
[2]. |
Lod Tapin, Dr. Ram Krishna Mehta |
Overview and Literature Survey of Power System Stabilizer In Power Systems |
Increasing interest has been seen in applying power system stabilizer to power systems problems from the number of publications on this topic in recent decade years. As a relatively new research topic a need is felt to pay more attention to the basic principles of the theory, identification of problems and design of Power System Stabilizer. This paper presents a survey of few decade publications on power system stabilizer theory to power systems and the basic procedures for PSS design methods to solve power systems problems.
[1]. P.Kundur "Power System Stability", Tata McGraw-Hill.
[2]. Using Power System Stabilizers (Pss) And Shunt Static Var Compensator (Svc) For Damping Oscillations In Electrical Power System Dr. Hussein Thani Rishag Department of Electromechanical Engineering, University of Technology/Baghdad. [3]. Effect of High-speed Rectifier Excitation Systems on Generator Stability Limits, P.L. Dandeno, A.N. K m , K.R. McClymont and W. Watson, IEEE Trans. Vol.PAS-87 January 1968, pp.190-201. [4]. Excitation Control to Improve Power Line Stability, F.R. Schleif, H.D. Hunkins, G.E. Martin, and E.E. Hattan, IEEE Trans. Vol. PAS-87, June 1968, pp. 1426-1434. [5]. F.R. Schleif, H.D. Hunkins, G.E. Martin, E.E. Hattan, "Excitation Control to Improve Power line Stability", IEEE Trans. Vol. PAS-87, June, 1968, pp. 1426-1434.
K.Venkata Siva reddy, K.Abdul Munaf, M.V.Ramana Reddy |
Power Point Presentation Tool Control Using RF |
RF refers to radio frequency, the mode of communication for wireless technologies of all kinds, including cordless phones, radar, radio, GPS and radio and television broadcasts. RF communication works by creating electromagnetic waves at a source and being able to pick up those electromagnetic waves at a particular destination. These electromagnetic waves travel through the air at near the speed of light. The wavelength of an electromagnetic signal is inversely proportional to the frequency; the higher the frequency, the shorter the wavelength. Signals with longer wavelengths travel a greater distance and penetrate through, and around objects better than signals with shorter wavelengths. In this paper we are controlling the PPT Slides in PC. It contains two sections one is transmitter and another one is receiver. The transmitter contains keypad by using this we are control the PPT Slides like Next, Back, End of Slide and even we can select particular slide number. These operations will send via RF TX Module. The receiver contains RF Rx module, microcontroller, PC and the microcontroller will control the PPT Slides (like Next, Back) in PC according to corresponding key pressed in remote keypad
8051 Micro Controller, RF Transmitter, RF Receiver, RS 232, MAX 232, Keil 4, Flash Programmer.
[1]. FUN , I.C (2007).The serial communication control design of RS 232 with visual basic. Wenkuei information and press ltd. Company.
[2]. "The study on design speech control power point presentation tool" by kune-yao chen and paper number is 978-1-4244-6527-9/10-IEEE 2010 paper. [3]. The design of speech control power point presentation tool using ARM 7 by P.Vishnu Kumar and Dr.T.Jaya Chandra Prasad, IJCTT, Volume 3, issue4 ,2012. [4]. The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems Using Assembly and C Second Edition By Muhammad Ali Mazidi Janice Gillispie Mazidi [5]. Huang, Y.F. Huang, G.H. Hu. Z.Y. (2005). Development of an expert system for tackling the public's perception to climate-change impacts on petroleum industry. Expert Systems with Applications, Volume 29, Issue 4, 817-829.
K. Abdul Munaf, K.Venkata Siva Reddy, M.V.Ramana Reddy |
Hardware Sharing Design for Programmable Memory Built-In Self Test |
As the progress of deep submicron technology, embedded memory grows greatly in the System-on-Chip design. An efficient test method with relatively low cost is required for mass production process. Programmable Built-In Self-Test (P-MBIST) solution provides a certain degree of flexibility with reasonable hardware cost, based on the customized controller/processor. In this work, we propose a hardware sharing architecture for P-MBIST design. Through sharing the common address generator and controller, the area overhead of P-MBIST circuit can be significantly reduced. Higher testing speed can be achieved by inserting two pipeline stages. Finally, the proposed P-MBIST circuit can be automatically generated from the user-defined configuration file.
Memory, Instructions, Controller, Pipelining, P-MBIST, etc.,
[1]. S.Boutabza, .M. Nicholaidis K.M. Lamara and A. Costa, "Programmable memory BIST," in Proc. ITC, pp: 45.2, Nov 2005.
[2]. I. Bayraktaroglu , 0. Caty and W. Yickkei, "Highly configurable programmable built-in self test architecture for high-speed memories" in proc. VLSI Test Symposium. pp: 21 [3]. D. Xiaogang. N. Mukherjee. C Wu-Tung S.M. Reddy. 'Full-speed field-programmable memory BIST architecture in Proc. ITC pp: 45.3. Nov. 2005. [4]. D. Appello, V. Tancorre, P. Bernadi, M.Grosso, M. Rebaudengo and M.S. Reads, 'Embedded Memory Diagnosis: An Industrial Workflow: in Proc. ITC, pp: l -9, Oct. 2006. [5]. S. Boutabza, .M. Nicholaidis K.M. Lamara and A. Costa, "A Transparent based Programmable Memory BIST in Proc. IEEE European Test Symposium. pp. 89-96. May 2006.
Version - 3 (June 2014) |
Developing A Chat Server Prabhat Chandra Computer Science Department If tm University (Moradabad) |
Teleconferencing or chatting, is a method of using technology to bring people and ideas "together" despite of the geographical barriers. The technology has been available for years but the acceptance it was quit recent. our project is an example of a chat server. It is made up of 2 applications the client applications, which runs on the user's Pc and server application, which runs on any Pc on the network. To start chatting client should get connected to server where they can practice two kinds of chatting, public one (message is broadcasted to all connected users) and private one (between any 2 users only) and during the last one security measures were taken.
Chat, Local Area Network, Microsoft Office, Visual Basics 6
[1]. James Martin, [1989], " Local Area Network Architecture and Implementations ".
[2]. H. L. Capron, [1996], " Computers Tools For an Information age ". [3]. Rob Thayer, [1998], " Visual Basic 6 ". [4]. Pat Bonner, [1996], "Network Programming With Windows Sockets ". [5]. Catalyst Development Corporation, [1999], " An Introduction To TCP/IP programming with windows sockets ".
Dammo, M. N., Sangodoyin, A.Y |
Trends in Evaporation Rate in North Eastern Nigeria (1981-2010) |
The trend of evaporation rate in north-eastern Nigeria spanning Borno, Yobe, Gombe, Bauchi,
Adamawa and Taraba states for the period 1981 to 2010 was carried out. The influence of meteorological variables was tested and found to have significant impact on the spatial and temporal trends of evaporation rate for three consecutive decades across the North Eastern Nigeria. The study seeks to establish whether changes have occurred in the mean value of other climate parameters that are linked with evaporation rate. Data analysis revealed that the highest impact of evaporation on temperature was 81.3%, temperature on evaporation was 96.2% and relative humidity on evaporation was 80.9%. The trend of evaporation was a polynomial function of 4th order with high coefficient of determination ranging from 0.795 to 0.997. Effects of evaporation across the region were all negative except at Yobe. The order of adverse effects was Taraba>Adamawa>Bauchi>Gombe>Borno. The implication of this result is that rise in temperature increased evaporation and relative humidity. Although the effects of climatic variables varied within locations, they generally impacted significantly on the evaporation rate within the sub region. These were consequent to the current increase in major climatic variables across the region over the 30 yr study period. Evaporation, spatial and temporal trend, north eastern Nigeria
[1]. Ogolo E.O and Adeyemi. B. (2009): Variations and Trends of Some Meteorological Parameters at
Ibadan, Nigeria. The Pacific Journal of Science and Technology. 10 (2), 981-987. [2]. Teuling A.J.; M. Hirschi.; A. Ohmura.; M. Wild.; M. Reichstein.; P. Ciais.; [3]. N. Buchmann.; C. Ammann.; L. Montagnani.; A. D. Richardson.; G. Wohlfahrt.; [4]. and S. I. Seneviratne (2009): A regional perspective on trends in continental evaporation. Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 36, l02404, doi:10.1029/2008gl036584, 2009 [5]. Douville, H., Chauvin, F., Planton, S., Royer, J.F.,Salas-Melia, D. D. and Tyteca,S (2002): Sensitivity of the hydrological cycle to incresing amounts of greenhouse gases aerosols. Climate Dynamics, 20, 45-68 |
Aesha A. Patel, Mr. Virendra Maurya |
Improving Diversity Using Linear and Non-Linear Signal Detection techniques |
This paper presents the performance analysis of V-BLAST based MIMO-OFDM system with respect to bit error rate per signal to noise ratio (BER/SNR) for various detection techniques. A 2X2 MIMO-OFDM system is used for the performance evaluation. The simulation results shows that the Improving diversity performance of V-BLAST based detection techniques is much better than the conventional methods.
Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO), OFDM, Bit Error Rate (BER), Zero Forcing (ZF), Maximum Likelihood (ML), Minimum Mean Square Error (MMSE).
[1] M Nirmalendu Bikas sinha, R.Bera, M. Mitra, "Capacity and V-Blast Techniques for MIMO–Wireless channel", JATIT-2010.
[2] Siavash M. Alamouti, "A Simple Transmit Diversity Technique for Wireless Communications", IEEE Journal, VOL.16, N0.8, October 1998. [3] Dr.Anubhuti Khare, Manish Saxena, Vijendra singh mandloi, "Performance analysis of V-Blast Based MIMO–OFDM system with various detection techniques", ISSN – 2250-3021,VOL.2, Issue 1,Jan-2012, pp.166-169. [4] Alain U. Toboso, Sergey Loyka, and Francois Gagnon," Optimal Detection Ordering for Coded V-BLAST", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS, VOL. 62, NO. 1, JANUARY 2014. [5] Fenghua Li,"Performance analysis of V-Blast Detectors for the MIMO channel". Stockholm, Sweden 2007-06-21, XR-EE-KT- 2007:004.
Y. Mohana Roopa |
SPARROW Algorithm for clustering software components |
Component Based Software Development (CBSD) provides a high efficient and low cost way to construct software systems by integrating reusable software components. Although CBSD has already become a widely accepted paradigm, it is still beyond possibility to assemble components easily from COTS components into one application system. In real world, such as automation domain, this probability is unacceptable because additional measures, time, efforts, and costs are required to minimize its impacts. Many general clustering ap-proaches have been proposed in literature to manage the composition of system at early stage of development. This paper investigates to identify the component clusters in parallel using a multi-agent adaptive algorithm called SPARROW algorithm. The results of this study are important since it will be used to develop an efficient Component Based Software Architecture.
Component-Based software development, component clustering, software architecture, SPAR-ROW Algorithm.
[1]. Voas, J.COTS software: the economical choice? Software, IEEE, 1998. 15(2): p. 16- 19.
[2]. Philippe Kruchten "Architectural Blueprints—The"4+1" View Model of Software Architecture" IEEE Software 12 (6)November 1995, pp. 42-50. [3]. Chung-Horng Lung "Software Architecture covery and Restructuring through Clustering Techniques" Proc. of the 3rd International Software Architecture Workshop (ISAW), 1998, pp.101-104. [4]. Dr. Velur Rajappa, Arun Biradar, Satanik Panda "Effi cient software test case generation Using Genetic al gorithm based Graph theory" International conference on emerging trends in Engineering and Technology, pp. 298--303, IEEE (2008). [5]. Gianluigi Folino and Giandomenico Spezzano "An Adaptive Flocking Algorithm for Spatial Clustering" First International conference on Emerging trends in Engineering and technology, IEEE (2008). |
Enhancing Clustering Results In Hierarchical Approach By Mvs Measures |
Clustering is a process of grouping set of objects into classes of clusters, so that the objects in the same cluster are more similar to each other than to those in other clusters. Data Clustering has galore techniques in representing the relationship among data objects by similarity in features. All similarity measures play a vital role in achieving the accuracy of results in clustering. So to measure this similarity some form of measurement is needed. In this paper, we introduce multi-viewpoint based similarity (MVS) approach with traditional dissimilarity/ similarity measure which utilizes more than one viewpoint. The important contribution of our work is to find clustering tendency by visual assessment tendency(VAT)analysis and to discover clusters using MST based clustering.
Data clustering, Similarity measure, VAT analysis, MST based clustering
[1]. DucThang Nguyen, Lihui Chen and CheeKeong Chan, ―Clustering with Multi-Viewpoint based Similarity Measure‖, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 2011.
[2]. SX. Wu, V. Kumar, J. Ross Quinlan, J. Ghosh, Q. Yang, H. Motoda, G. J. McLachlan, A. Ng, B. Liu, P. S. Yu, Z.-H. Zhou, M. Steinbach, D. J. Hand, and D. Steinberg, ―Top 10 algorithms in data mining,‖ Knowl.Inf. Syst., vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 1–37, 2007. [3]. ‖An Efficient Formulation of the Improved Visual Assessment of Cluster Tendency (iVAT) Algorithm‖ Timothy C. Havens, Senior Member, IEEE, and James C. Bezdek, Fellow, IEEE. [4]. Haojun sun, zhihuiliu, lingjunkong, A Document Clustering Method Based on Hierarchical Algorithm with Model Clustering, 22nd international conference on advanced information networking and applications. [5]. Shengrui Wang and Haojun Sun. Measuring overlap-Rate for Cluster Merging in a Hierarchical Approach to Color Image Segmentation. International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, Vol.6, No.3, September 2004. |
Dr. Sharad Gangele, Prof. (Dr.) Ashish Dongre |
Probability Density Estimation Function of Browser Share Curve for Users Web Browsing Behaviour |
In present scenario many browsers are available for internet surfing but only a few are liked and
utilized for a variety of purposes. The primary purpose of a web browser is to bring information resources to the users, allowing them to view and provide access to other information. The problem of browser sharing between two browsers was suggested by Shukla and Singhai (2011) and they have developed mathematical relationship between browser shares and browse failure probability. This relationship generates probability based quadratic function which has a definite bounded area. This area is a function of many parameters and is required to be estimated. But, by direct integration methods, it is cumbersome to solve. An attempt has been made to analyze an approximate methodology to estimate the bounded area using Trapezoidal method of numerical analysis. It is found that bounded area is directly proportional to users' choice and browser failure phenomena. It provides insights and explains the relationship among browser share and users web browsing behaviour phenomena. Area estimation (AE), Trapezoidal rule (TR), Browser failure probability (BFP), web browser
[1]. Catledge, L. D. and Pitkow J. E. (1995): Characterizing browsing strategies in the World-Wide Web.,
Computer Networks and ISDN Systems, 26 (6), pp. 55-65. [2]. Deshpande, M. and Karypis G.(2004): Selective Markov Models for Predicting Web-Page Accesses., ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, Vol 4, No.2, May 2004,pp.168-184. [3]. Yeian, and J. Lygeres (2005): Stabilization of a class of stochastic differential equations with markovian switching, System and Control Letters, issue 9, pp. 819-833. [4]. Emanual Perzen(1992): "Stochastic Processes", Holden-Day, Inc., San Francisco, and California. [5]. J. Medhi(1991):Stochastic Models in queuing theory, Academic Press Professional, Inc., San Diego, CA.
Chinta Someswara Rao |
Parallel string matching for image matching with prime method |
String matching play the much more attention in the recent days because of its importance in several
areas like retrieval of large text data, image data , mining etc.,. For this purpose, several researchers proposed solution to these problems, but still there is a scope to develop new techniques, especially in image matching. For this purpose, in his paper, we have proposed a method for image search based on the prime method. The adopted method uses a sliding window approach, in this approach each sub image clipped by narrow window is converted to code vector and these code vectors are used in image matching. Our results showed that this method performs well in spatially, computationally and efficiently. String matching, parallel approach, WWW, image searching.
[1]. Chinta Someswararao, K Butchiraju, S ViswanadhaRaju, "Recent Advancement is Parallel Algorithms
for String matching on computing models - A survey and experimental results", LNCS, Springer,pp.270-278, ISBN: 978-3-642-29279-8 ,2011. [2]. Chinta Someswararao, K Butchiraju, S ViswanadhaRaju, "PDM data classification from STEP- an object oriented String matching approach", IEEE conference on Application of Information and Communication Technologies, pp.1-9, ISBN: 978-1-61284-831-0, 2011. [3]. Chinta Someswararao, K Butchiraju, S ViswanadhaRaju, "Recent Advancement is Parallel Algorithms for String matching - A survey and experimental results", IJAC, Vol 4 issue 4, pp-91-97, 2012. [4]. Simon Y. and Inayatullah M., "Improving Approximate Matching Capabilities for Meta Map Transfer Applications," Proceedings of Symposium on Principles and Practice of Programming in Java, pp.143- 147, 2004. [5]. Chinta Someswararao, K Butchiraju, S ViswanadhaRaju, "Parallel Algorithms for String Matching Problem based on Butterfly Model", pp.41-56, IJCST, Vol. 3, Issue 3, July – Sept, ISSN 2229-4333, 2012. |
Rakesh sharma, R P S Sisodia, Anoop Kumar Shukla, Vishal sharma |
The use of Taguchi method to analyze the effect of welding parameters on weldment |
Purpose of this paper to use the Taguchi method and what are the effect of welding parameters on weldment and
analysis different test on it. The objective of this paper is to analyze voltage transients associated with MIG 400 welding of IS 5986 Fe410 MS for various plate thicknesses (8 mm, 10 mm & 14 mm) with 100% CO2 as the shielding gas and the relation between these transients and observation is used to analyze the depth of penetration and weld bead geometry. The weld bead geometry plays an important role in determining the mechanical properties of a weld joint. Its geometric parameters such as bead width, reinforcement height, and depth of penetration depends on the process parameters, such as thickness of material, gas flow rate, arc voltage, travel speed. Therefore, it is important to set up proper welding parameters to produce a good weld bead. MIG 400; Bead geometry; Shape relationships; Mini Tab 15 and Voltage transients.
[1]. Brickner K.G. and Defilippi J.D., 1977, "Handbook of Stainless Steels", McGraw-Hill, New York, NY,
pp. 25-31.
[2]. Lula R.A., Parr J.G., and Hanson A., 1986, Stainless Steel, ASM, Metals Park, OH, pp. 60-70. [3]. Kumar B. Ravi, Mahato B., and Singh Raghuvir., 2007, "Influence of Cold-Worked Structure on Electrochemical Properties of Austenitic Stainless Steels"., The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society and ASM International, Volume 38A, Page no. 2085-2094. [4]. Lee Woei-Shyan, Tzeng Fan-Tzung, Lin Chi-Feng., 2005, "Mechanical properties of 304L stainless steel SMAW joints under dynamic impact loading". Journal of Material Science 40, Page No.4839 - 4847. [5]. Kamiya O. and Kumagai K., 1990, J. Mater. Sci. 25, 2017.
Godwin C.J. Nmegbu |
Analysis of Effects of Temperature on Petrophysical Properties Of Petroleum Reservoir Rocks And Fluids |
This work is basically a study of the variations of the petrophysical rocks and fluids properties with
temperature. An experiment was carried out using quartz sandstone core samples to investigate the temperature effect on its permeability. The variations with temperature were calculated using published correlations at different reservoir temperature from a particular field data. The results were then used to generate graphs as a function of temperature for each property. Conclusive remarks on the observed trends are also presented. Petrophysics, Rock and Fluid, Temperature, Reservoir.
[1]. M. Aruma, The Effect of temperature and pressure on permeability of sandstone, PhD Thesis, Stanford
University, CA, 1976
[2]. A. Danesh, C. Economids, and H.J. Ramey, The effect of temperature level on permeability of stainless steel, Trans. Geothermal Resources Council, 1978, 137 – 139 [3]. B.D. Gobran, A.H. Sufi and S.K. Sanyel, Effect of temperature on permeability, 1980 [4]. R Netherton and A.J. Piwinski, An experimental investigation of the permeability of Kayenta to Hypersaline Brine in temperature interval of 70oC to 90oC [5]. Y.A. Afigenov, How the liquid permeability of rocks is affected by pressure and temperature, SNIIGIMS, no.6, 34, 1969
R P Joshi, Ashis Saklani, Rajendra Singh Shahi |
Traffic Detection Method for VoIP Applications using Flow Data |
Recently VoIP applications have been popular due to the wide deployment of the
wired/wireless Internet. Commercial VoIP services typically employ SIP and RTP for signaling and media transport protocols. Therefore, the VoIP service is vulnerable to a lot of threats because it uses the Internet where security is not guaranteed. For example, anomaly traffic cases such as hindering call connections, maliciously canceling calls, and deteriorating quality of voices have already been known. In this paper, we propose an anomaly traffic detection method for VoIP applications based on the flow monitoring traffic measurement architecture, called IETF IPFIX. Under IPFIX, we present algorithms to detect BYE DDoS and RTP flooding anomaly trafc by defining new IPFIX templates for monitoring SIP and RTP flows. IPFIX, VoIP, anomaly, detection, algorithm
[1] ITU-T: Recommendation E.800: Terms and definitions related to quality of service and network
performance including dependability, 2008 [2] ITU-T: Recommendation G.1010: End-user multimedia QoS categories, 2001 [3] ITU-T: Recommendation P.11: Telephone transmission quality, 1993 [4] ITU-T: Recommendation P.800.1: Mean Opinion Score (MOS) terminology, 2006
Version - 4 (June 2014) |
Abhishek Singh |
Data-Based Influence Maximization using Community Detection |
Influence maximization is the problem of finding a set of users in a social network, such that by
targeting this set, one maximizes the expected spread of influence in the network .In this work, I am proposing a
new algorithm drawing inspiration from the works done in the same field by [9] and [10]. The main motive
behind this work is to emulate the relationship between the fields of Community Detection and Viral Marketing
whose existence in the real world is intuitive. To do this I have taken inspiration from the work done by [10].
But as far as the actual diffusion process goes I am proposing using the Credit Distribution Model described by
[9], which has been proven to be faster than any other existing models instead of the Heat Diffusion Model that
has been used originally.
Influence Maximization, Community Detection, Viral Marketing
[1]. P. Domingos and M. Richardson. Mining the network value of customers 2001
[2]. M. Richardson and P. Domingos.Mining Knowledge-Sharing Sites for Viral Marketing 2002. [3]. D. Kempe, J. Kleinberg, and E. Tardos. Maximizing the spread of influence through a social network, 2003 [4]. S. M. Flip Korn and S. Muthukrishnan. Influence sets based on reverse nearest neighbour queries, 2000 [5]. W. Chen, Y. Wang, and S. Yang.Efficient influence maximization in social networks. 2009. |
Balaji R. Wadkar, Ramakant Bhardwaj Basant Kumar Singh |
A Common Fixed Point Theorem in Dislocated Metric Space |
In this paper, we discuss the existence and unique of fixed point for two pairs of weakly compatible
maps in dislocated metric space which generalizes and improves similar fixed point results.
Methods: Using familiar techniques, we extend the results in dislocated metric space.
Mathematical Subject Classification: 47H10, 54H25
Dislocated metric, weakly compatible maps, Common fixed point, γ-Property
[1]. A. Isufati, "Fixed Point Theorem in Dislocated Quasi-Metric Space", Apppied Math. Sci., 4(5), (2010),
[2]. C. T. Aage and J. N. Salunke, "The Results on Fixed Points theorems in Dislocated and Dislocated Quasi-Metric Space", Applied Math. Sci., 2 (59)(2008), 2941 – 2948. [3]. C. T. Aage and J. N. Salunke, Some Results of Fixed Point Theorem in Dislocated Quasi-Metric Spaces, Bull. Marathwada Math. Soc., 9 (2), (2008),1-5. [4]. F. M. Zeyada, G. H. Hassan and M. A. Ahmed, "A Generalization of a fixed point theorem due to Hitzler and Seda in dislocated quasi-metric spaces", The Arabian J. Sci. Engg., 31 (1A)(2006), 111- 114. [5]. G. Jungck and B.E. Rhoades, "Fixed Points For Set Valued Functions without Continuity", Indian J. Pure Appl. Math., 29 (3)(1998), 227-238.
Srinivasa G, Sridevi N, Sarvesh A, kulkarni varsha |
A Proposal for Security Oversight at Automated Teller Machine System |
Face Recognition is an emerging field of research with many challenges such as large set of images,
improper illuminating conditions. Eigen face approach is one of the simplest and most efficient methods to
overcome these obstacles in developing a system for Face Recognition. Various summarization techniques are
used for preprocessing the image in order to handle bad illumination and face recognition. Eigen faces are
eigenvectors of covariance matrix, representing given image space. Any new face image can be then represented
as a linear combination of these Eigen faces. This makes it easier to match any two given images and thus face
recognition process. The paper gives a basic knowledge of Eigen values and Eigenvectors. It covers various
steps involved in face recognition using Eigen face approach along with its significance and some results. It
mainly focuses on Eigen face approach for Face Recognition.
Face recognition, biometric, automated teller machine, person identification
[1]. "Face recognition using eigenfaces", M. Turk and A. Pentland, Proc. IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision
and Pattern Recognition, pages 586-591, 1991
[2]. "Face recognition for smart environments", A. Pentland and T. Choudhury, Computer, Vol.33 Iss.2, Feb. 2000 [3]. "Face recognition: Features versus templates", R. Brunelli and T. Poggio, IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 15(10): 1042-1052, 1993 [4]. "Human and machine recognition of faces: A survey", R. Chellappa, C. L. Wilson, and S. Sirohey, Proc. of IEEE, volume 83, pages 705-740, 1995 [5]. "Eigenfaces vs. fisherfaces: Recognition using class specific linear projection", P. N. Belhumeur, J. P. Hespanha, and D. J. Kriegman, IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 19(7):711-720, 1997
Chukka Santhaiah, Dr.A.Rama Mohan Reddy |
Constructing of Phylogenetic Tree for COX based on sequences by using ClustalW |
The phylogenetics development of genus is regularly described as the consequence of random
mutations and expected choice, which gives rise to the perception of phylogenetic trees. The big quantity of
soaring excellence sequence data accessible has ended the rebuilding of phylogenetic trees as of sequence data
achievable. In this work COX gene is taken from NCBI P22437.1 as a protein with its accession number. The
Clustal approach is a influential and admired alternative for create phylogenetic trees as of sequence data, no
limit in the size of the trees, which can be constructed. The aim of work is speed up tree reconstruction by
construction use of preceding information. Here put forward a new heuristic for incorporating a phylogenetic
tree for protein datasets are converted to DNA datasets and construct the phylogenetic tree for analogous data
set. In this work we implement the proposed Clustal for multiple alignments. The experiments performed show,
which incorporating prior knowledge leads to a significant speed up, if large amounts are included.
Clustal, DNA, Protein, Phylogenetic tree
[1]. J. R. Vane,Y. S. Bakhle1, and R. M. Botting , Annu. Rev. Pharmacol. Toxicol. 1998. 38:97–120,
Cyclooxygenases 1 and 2
[2]. Garavito RM, Malkowski MG, DeWitt DL. 2002. The structures of prostaglandin endoperoxide H synthases-1 and -2. Prostaglandins Other Lipid Mediat 68-69:129-52. [3]. Mag.rer.nat.Kerstin Kitz ,2011,Transcriptional Regulation of Cox-2 Expression in Human Osteosarcoma cells. [4]. Higgins,D.G. (1994) CLUSTAL V: multiple alignment of DNA and protein sequences. Methods Mol. Biol., 25, 307–318 [5]. Thompson, Julie D., Desmond G. Higgins, and Toby J. Gibson. "CLUSTAL W: Improving the Sensitivity of Progressive Multiple Sequence Alignment Through Sequence Weighting, Position Specific Gap Penalties and Weight Matrix Choice." Nucleic Acids Research 22 (1994): 4673-4680.
Dayanand Jamkhandikar, Dr. V.D. Mytri, Pallavi Shahapure |
Object Detection and Tracking in Real Time Video Based on Color |
In this paper we present a framework for efficient detection and tracking of an object in real time
using color. A tracking algorithm is developed in order to analyze the motion of object is chaotic or not. Automatic tracking of object is done by several stages. These are image capturing, image processing, time series extraction and analysis. We proposed here Euclidian filter which has the advantages that it can be used in dynamic images. We convert the color image into gray, because it is easy to process the gray image in single color instead of multi colors. Gray images requires less time in processing. This also contains a discussion of the requirements of any searching task and presents a fast method for detecting the presence of known multi-colored objects in a scene. Color-based detection, Euclidean filtering, gray scaling, contour tracking
[1] O. Javed and M. Shah, "Tracking and object classification for automated surveillance," In Proc. 7th
European Conf. Computer Vision, Springer, 2002, pp. 343.
[2] L. S. Boon, "Tracking and surveillance," School of EEE, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. [3] R. Cucchiara, C. Grana, G. Neri, M. Piccardi and A. Prati, "The Sakbot system for moving object detection and tracking," Video-based Surveillance Systems-Computer vision and Distributed Processing, pp. 145-157, 2001. [4] C. Wren, A. Azarbayejani, T. Darrell, A. Pentl, "Pfinder: Real-time tracking of the human body," In IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligent, vol. 19, no. 7, pp. 780-785. [5] S. J. McKenna, S. Jabri, Z. Duric, A. Rosenfeld and H. Wechsler, "Tracking group of people," Comput. Vis. Image Understanding, vol. 80, no. 1, pp. 42-56, 2000.
Anil Kulkarni, Arati Gouri |
A Reliable data delivery in Mobile Ad hoc Network, Simulation Study |
In this, the problem of delivering data packets for highly dynamic mobile ad hoc
network in a consistently good in quality or performance and the data to be trusted. The
existing ad hoc routing protocols are vulnerable to node mobility. If route fails , the existing
protocol called end-to-end protocol is not capable of discovering and recovering of route. To
overcome the problem of existing protocol we introduce a new protocol called Position based
routing protocol. The position based opportunistic routing protocol which takes the advantage
of property of stateless indicates that no node in a network does not maintain any routing
table and broadcast nature of wireless network. In the case of communication, virtual
destination based void handling scheme is further proposed to work together with position
based opportunistic routing protocol.
Geographic routing, Mobile adhoc network, reliable data delivery.
[1]. Shengbo Yang,Chal Kiat Yeo and Bu Sung Lee "Towards reliable data delivery for highly dynamic
mobile ad hoc networks," IEEE Trans. Mobile Computing, vol. 11, no. 1, Jan 2012.
[2]. M. Marina and S. Das, "On-Demand Multipath Distance Vector Routing in Ad Hoc Networks," Proc. Ninth Int'l Conf. Network Protocols (ICNP '01), pp. 14-23, Nov. 2001. [3]. D. Ganesan, R. Govindan, S. Shenker, and D. Estrin, "Highly Resilient, Energy-Efficient Multipath Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks," ACM SIGMOBILE Mobile Computing and Comm. Rev., vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 11-25, 2001. [4]. A. Valera, W. Seah, and S. Rao, "Improving Protocol Robustness in Ad Hoc Networks through Cooperative Packet Caching and Shortest Multipath Routing," IEEE Trans. Mobile Computing, vol. 4, no. 5, pp. 443-457, Sept./Oct. 2005. [5]. M.-H. Lu, P. Steenkiste, and T. Chen, "Design, Implementation and Evaluation of an Efficient Opportunistic Retransmission Protocol," Proc. ACM MobiCom, pp. 73-84, 2009. |
Vijaya Lakshmi. G.M, Gunasekaran. M, Vijaya. S |
Bifurcation Analysis of Prey-Predator Model with Harvested Predator |
This paper aims to study the effect of harvested predator species on a Holling type IV Prey-Predator
model involving intra-specific competition. Prey-predator model has received much attention during the last few
decades due to its wide range of applications. There are many kind of prey-predator models in mathematical
ecology. The Prey-predator models governed by differential equations are more appropriate than the difference
equations to describe the prey-predator relations. Harvesting has a strong impact on the dynamic evolution of a
population. This model represents mathematically by non-linear differential equations. The locally asymptotic
stability conditions of all possible equilibrium points were obtained. The stability/instability of non-negative
equilibrium and associated bifurcation were investigated by analysing the characteristic equations. Moreover,
bifurcation diagrams were obtained for different values of parameters of proposed model.
Prey-Predator model, Holling type functional response, Harvesting, Bifurcation.
[1]. Agiza. H.N, Elabbasy. E.M, EK-Metwally,Elsadany. A.A, Chaotic dynamics of a discrete preypredator
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D. P. Dash, S. Das, J. Pattanaik |
Multiarea Environmental Dispatch with Emission Constraints using Hybrid Intelligence Algorithm |
This paper presents the combination of Gravitational search Algorithm and Sequential Quadratic
Programming based optimization (GSA-SQP) algorithm to solve complex economic emission load dispatch
(EELD) problems of thermal generators of power systems. EELD is an important optimization task in fossil fuel
fired power plant operation for allocating generation among the committed units such that fuel cost and
emission level are optimized simultaneously while satisfying all operational constraints. It is a highly
constrained multiobjective optimization problem involving conflicting objectives with both equality and
inequality constraints. In this paper, multi-objective hybrid GSA method has been proposed to solve EELD
problem. Numerical results of three test systems demonstrate the capabilities of the proposed approach. Results
obtained from the proposed approach have been compared to those obtained from non dominated sorting
genetic algorithm-II and strength pareto evolutionary algorithm 2.
Economic Emission Load Dispatch, GSA, SQP and Valve Point Loading.
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M. H. Gulzar |
Zeros of Polynomials in Ring-shaped Regions |
In this paper we subject the coefficients of a polynomial and their real and imaginary parts to certain
conditions and give bounds for the number of zeros in a ring-shaped region. Our results generalize many
previously known results and imply a number of new results as well.
Mathematics Subject Classification: 30 C 10, 30 C 15 Coefficient, Polynomial, Zero
[1]. K.K. Dewan, Extremal Properties and Coefficient Estimates for Polynomials with Restricted
Coefficients and on Location of Zeros of Polynomials,Ph. Thesis, IIT Delhi, 1980.
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